Forums » Role Playing

roleplaying and new content

Jun 11, 2006 thurisaz link
..I wonder if *right now* we could use roleplay and special events to enhance new content additions; whether through putting your name on a list of volunteers for the devs to feed info to, or some other means...

...consider the NTK-11 thread: what if *actual* prototype plans existed inside the game?? If a select few were made aware that new content was ready, an in-game or forum-based RP event or events could be created, with the winners given the opportunity to enjoy the new content first; it would trickle down to the rest of us within a matter of days or weeks (once the plans "became public knowledge")

*edit: one example I came up with involving the Raptor, involves a member of the Syndicate recovering the secret blueprints for TPG's newest fighter in the midst of an unrelated act of sabotage against that corporation... that's if a [Syn] member put their name on the list of secret volunteers, probably by emailing the devs saying "please make me part of a plot!!", then having theit name chosen at random...
Jun 11, 2006 MSKanaka link
The "widget", in this case the NTK-11 prototype, is available as a delivery item in the Trade Guild "Special Delivery" missions.
Jun 11, 2006 moldyman link
He means to take it and use it
Jun 11, 2006 LeberMac link
That'd be neato.