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TeamDX5 on April 22nd

Apr 25, 2017 Luxen link
So, either I miscounted who actually participated, or we had 18 different people over 4 matches this past Saturday. Like, holy cow, people, thanks for showing up! This go-around we certainly had some issues getting everyone grouped up and ready to go, but I hope to tamper down on that next time.

Like I said, we had 4 separate matches during TeamDX5, with different captains throughout. xDraenor Matrix, who usually is one of the captains, decided to gunner with Tokkan, so it was a little weird during that first match. ps, I dont like to captain.

Match 1: Team Baxter vs Team Luxen
Match 2-4: Team Baxter vs Team xDraenor Matrix

TeamDX5, now all in a single video!
(let me know if you prefer this, or the split videos)

Participant list:
Miao Kakuzo
xDraenor Matrix
Tokkan-Ha Yomenk
Aetherial Nightmare
Flying Baxter

Many good fights, everyone, I am glad you all joined!

TeamDX6 marks the last "Weekly" TeamDX that I host - I will switch to hosting Bi-Weekly, to allow myself some time to pursue other interests both inside and outside of VO. Should anyone else wish to host TeamDX during the off-weeks, be my guest, just let me know ahead of time. Ill upload the official rules sometime this week, which should help you out.

TeamDX6 is schedualed for the 29th of April, at the normal time of 22:00EST (Sunday 2:00GMT). A special ruleset applies for the first match: ships and weapons below any liscence of 5 are allowed (f2p-capables only)(As of their official requirements, not their corvus requirements). Any following matches are standard matches, unless the captains overrule.
Apr 27, 2017 Luxen link
Someone should have told me the video was unavailable - It realy helps when you list the vid as public, doesnt it?
Apr 30, 2017 Barktooth link
Very nice! I love this event :)