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Why do "traders" shoot idle Capships?

Sep 04, 2017 Tripod war of the worlds link
To answer the orional question. Cause they can and all politics in game are nonexistant and do not exist. Its kill or be killed!
Sep 05, 2017 SkinWalker link
There's really nothing to discuss or negotiate. We're not asking for enough to give into anything. If that were the case, we'd ask for 500 mil or 1 bil credits or something. Then haggle a price point.

Consider us a no-haggle, no-nonsense group of businesspersons who are offering the deal of a lifetime.

So, we're not planning on registering on to have discussions. The discussions are your own. Call us when you agree. Don't if you don't.

But there's a win-win for TGFT. Pilots that want to pay and have the security of a warranty can do so; those that don't can still shoot back. User keys in the hands of FAMY ensures we don't take the station when we need it; and we don't shoot ships within the conq station sector if keyed. You don't have to trust us on that--you simply revoke the key of anyone that violates the rule.

P.S. In RL I'm an employee of the U.S. government. If your council chooses not to agree to those two very meager and reasonable terms, you might at least consider writing your legislators (if you're in the U.S.) to pressure them to approve a budget. If there's a government shutdown, guess where I'll be for about 1-2 weeks during your trade times. :-)
Sep 05, 2017 Ore link
"I would suggest if you have a proposal for TGFT that a post be made on so that we can discuss in council."

I would suggest you never log your IP on as Ecka will expose it in a drunken rage. Furthermore, anything needing to be discussed can be done so in game.
Sep 05, 2017 Niki link
I too prefer Ethical game play.


[Image of text removed. Kindly do not repost from threads that have been locked - that's essentially reopening the thread. Thanks. -Whistler]
Sep 05, 2017 Niki link
That's pretty lame.

Here's Ecka's quote anyway!

"We will use any trick the devs allow us to get one over on the rest of you. Shove your ethics.“
Sep 05, 2017 Spud_Nielster link
I did not repost anything... those were my own words, sorry.

Ok well I will leave this be then.
Sep 06, 2017 Pizzasgood link
Nobody was accusing you of reposting anything, Spud. The text inside the brackets is from a forum moderator, Whistler, who edited Niki's post to remove content he disliked. So that part was directed at Niki, not you.
Sep 06, 2017 Dr. Lecter link
Indefensible actions of typical TGFT scum, defended regardless by other typical TGFT scum.

Nihil sub sōle novum
Sep 06, 2017 Spud_Nielster link
Thank you, I realized that only after re-reading it a couple of times.

As to being Scum... well everyone has their opinion, I personally think that one does try to bargain in good faith that both of the bargainers should be given the benefit of the doubt.

That being said their is so much vehement hate for TGFT, that no matter the new blood, no matter the statements made, that none of you can see past your hate filled blindness.

I understand that, I have spent many years in a land that is exactly that way.

I do also understand FAMY's position, their business is extortion and since they refuse to negotiate, then things will stay as they are, I don't want that, but they have said it is their way or no way.

I simply wished for discussion.

I am not part of the past, and well I think it is disingenuous to consider my words as part of the past, I have read many things, some of the grievance against us may be well placed but a lot of it is emotionally irrationally developed nonsense based upon one little kernel of truth...

That again happened in the past and has not happened since.

Someone once said, hate is a great motivator, for those whom wish to pass from this life, a cold soulless creature.

I know this to be true.

Be well all, and we will live on.
Sep 06, 2017 Dr. Lecter link
The [TGFT] tag represents avowed continuity with a specific past. As long as you wear it, you're part of that past (i.e., scum). Simple as that.

Just think of it as VO's version of this:
Sep 07, 2017 starblazzz link
When your capship is attacked you receive a message. If your not there to protect it then your SOL ive lost a couple tridents that way and also killed my share. Shoot first ask questions later is the safest way to play.

Sep 07, 2017 genka link
[...]"I wonder why they characterize us as a hate group? Who do we hate?" Ancona said. "I know what the perception is; people come up to us and they hate us."

When speaking to him via phone, Ancona insists that there is a not a "rebranding" of the KKK. Instead, there is a focus on the original values of the Klan that have been distorted by "rogue" members and a mischaracterization by media.

"We are doing all we can to dispel the negative images," said Ancona. "If we find out one of our members was charged with a crime, or immoral behavior, we might give them a warning first, but we try to keep a tight eye on that. We have a thorough screening process to weed out troublemakers. I can only speak for the Traditional Knights, but none of our members are criminals."


He believes there is nothing hateful in the Klan bylaws and contends that while the organization has had "a dark past," it is not dissimilar to that of the action of some priests actions in the Catholic Church or a producer cutting misleading clips in on a story about George Zimmerman: you don't judge the whole for a few bad parts.[...]

Thanks CNN from 2012

Gotta wonder if Spud's actually long-con troll, joining the ranks of TGFT to highlight its long, hilarious history as a guild for notable scum with laughable denials of continuity.
Sep 07, 2017 Spud_Nielster link
Well now.

I find it amusing that one can compare game play in any game to some very disingenuous racial nonsense.

I believe that anyone that would bring this up needs to seriously have a look at themselves in the mirror, I may have not been in TGFT that long but I am fairly sure there is no comparison to the American Civil War, Slavery or any other hate group you can imagine.

You have now taken this from Role play to stupid play and just flat ass ignorance and I now ask for moderator involvement.

What in the world are you folks thinking?

You really should be ashamed of your own ignorance.
Sep 08, 2017 Whistler link
"I now ask for moderator involvement."

You fed the troll - making the situation worse.

I think this thread has run its course.