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Why was I censored again ? That was NOT trolling

Jan 24, 2013 PaladinOfLancelot link

Why every logical argument i make is being censored ? Actually: Why anything you say on this forums which is against "the general VO way of thinking" is being censored ?

Please do not censor this, I am NOT trolling or trying to troll. Also, I do not want nobody's attention.

I simply dislike the fact that every suggestion of change is DESTROYED on this forums, before it even begins.

I like a good discussion and for some stupid & illogical reason I still can't stop to care about this game even that I know it is doomed to fail the way it is now.
Jan 24, 2013 PaladinOfLancelot link
Another thing.

@Phaserlight said :
###You are here for attention###

I do not care about attention. Specifically, your attention is completely worthless to me.

I am trying to find out what kind of logical reasoning stands behind censoring everything that is against certain way of thinking.
Jan 24, 2013 Pizzasgood link
That thread by that newbie that was locked a few posts below was not locked because of fear of criticism. If that were the case, it would have been deleted rather than leaving the criticism there where people can read it (duh). That isn't called censorship, it's called crowd control.

Threads here are generally only locked if the OP is so absurdly stupid that the thread has high odds of simply turning into a big pile of people telling the OP just how stupid he is. Such as a thread where somebody complains that they got shot a couple times in a PVP oriented game.

Also, there are a great many suggestions that are against the grain, and they are not locked. Only the ones that devolve into a trollfest (or have great promise of doing so) get locked. Also, argumental threads in the General forum are more likely to be locked than argumental threads in suggestions - the mods are pretty tolerant of dissension within Suggestions, since that's essentially the nature of a suggestion forum.
Jan 24, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Sorry but I pull all sort of outrageous and controversial shizen on these forums and I've never ever had one of my posts locked ever. Just use damn paragraphs and stop formatting your post so annoyingly and no stupid meme pictures and it'll all be just peachy.
Jan 24, 2013 CrazySpence link
Doesn't this forum have a ban option, if so make use of it
Jan 24, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Also, you're breaking Vo forum rules here, all opposition to censorship posts must be done in poem form, see precedent:
Jan 24, 2013 PaladinOfLancelot link
YES, of course the previous topic had meme pictures in it, but it also had logical reasoning.
Don't tell me that stupid meme pirctures is enough of a reason to lock entire topic, because - let me tell you - THAT is stupid.

And i format my posts in a way that they are easily readable. This is why I make so many paragraphs.

My view of this things is that any topic that is becoming too uncomfortable for devs is being locked - and that is all.

I think I am going to start playing this game again... Damn you.
Jan 24, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Just. Can. Gah.

Do not make a thread, to complain about the locking of a thread complaining about the locking of a thread. If you have something to post, it's really easy to communicate it in a way that isn't going to get a lock.
Jan 24, 2013 Pizzasgood link
Pay attention. The threads that are locked aren't the ones that make the devs uncomfortable. They're the ones where the OP is this guy:

Okay, maybe watching the OP get humped by the community does make the devs uncomfortable. So okay, you're right after all!
Jan 24, 2013 incarnate link
I explicitly said when I locked the thread criticizing the game: "Mmkay, I think we've covered the topic, I'm locking before more people feel the need to chime in on that particular point."

The point I was referring to was the previous post where someone reiterated the "it's called VENDETTA ONLINE duh you get killed" argument that had already been stated half a dozen times. I didn't think there was value in allowing the community to further batter the confused/frustrated newbie who created the thread. Everyone had made their points, and from then on it was likely to devolve into further flaming of the OP. I did that mainly to spare him, but also to spare us a lot of pointless reiteration without value.

I haven't deleted any threads, or moved them to trash. I'm not hiding them. But, as mentioned above, I do engage in judicious crowd control when (from my decade of experience in this matter) things seem to have reached their highest levels of productivity and are now sliding downhill into flames.

It's unfortunate that you don't like our forum system. It is wired directly into the game code at a deep level, and we do not intend to change systems now or in the near future. But we do plan to expand on it, as I've commented on recent Suggestions threads about email notification and so on.

I'm really not sure what you're so angry about.
Jan 24, 2013 tarenty link
Nobody wants to hear your reasoning, POL, because it is presented in a condescending and offensive manner. You are unable to comprehend the reasoning behind the counterarguments to your "requests" and "advice," and so everyone stopped listening to you.

You steadfastly maintain your own flawed view: My view of this things is that any topic that is becoming too uncomfortable for devs is being locked - and that is all. despite the fact that Pizzasgood accurately presented information directly contrary to that view, disproving that view, and you restated your flawed view in a rude manner to boot.

Redspy has obviously given up all attempts at being serious. You are being trolled because VO does not take fools seriously. You are a fool. You do not adjust your opinions based upon facts, and instead maintain your almighty high seat, believing all you say or think is superior, and nothing anyone else says is relevant or reasonable.

Go away.
Jan 24, 2013 PaladinOfLancelot link

###Everyone had made their points, and from then on it was likely to devolve into further flaming of the OP. I did that mainly to spare him, but also to spare us a lot of pointless reiteration without value.###

It was LIKELY, but it DID NOT devolve yet.

"LIKELY" is the critical factor here.

You shouldn't censor things that you think are LIKELY to become trollfests. Surely, Chineese governments also censors posts that are LIKELY cause riots, civil disorder and such. Some of the censors may even do it in good belief.
The difference between western civilization and totalitarian states is that we don't censor something based on belief that something is LIKELY to happen.

Also, you don't understand that such unnecessary censorship is having exactly opposite effect. No problem in history was ever solved by pretending that it doesn't exists.
Jan 24, 2013 TheExiled link
You also have nothing more to add to this conversation on this topic. They are locked when sufficient points have been made. You have made your point in several threads. you make your point in a completely untasteful manner and rudely.

You are flamed by the community, because when you post suggestions, and they are proved to either be, non viable, or unbalanced, you have a go at every single person who disagrees with you. Why? You're just asking for enemies.

The devs and guides do not lock the forums for fear of someone rubbishing the game, because they take points on how the game can be improved on board. But you are not only rubbishing the game, you are doing so in a way that is inappropriate.

Now go away, or the devs might ban you for spamming the forums.
Jan 24, 2013 tarenty link
Here we are again. You believe you know everything, despite the fact that Incarnate has a decade of experience in this matter. Allowing threads to devolve to flame fests only degrades the quality of the forums and compromises productive discussion. He already explained it was not censorship, but crowd control. You're pretending the counterarguments to your flawed logic and fallacies do not exist.
Jan 24, 2013 PaladinOfLancelot link

###You believe you know everything,###

No, i do not know everything. But i know a lot of things, I have 10 years of experience in development, I am a quite skilled programmer & Linux sysadmin, specialized specifically in perfomance & UI-optimizations.

I am generally not stupid, i run a successful buisness which is used by millions of people worldwide (50kk views / month). I know this and that about Internet and I know about how to make things simplier & easier

###despite the fact that Incarnate has a decade of experience in this matter.###

...aaand still his experience didn't help him with the problem. So why not use experience of somebody else ?

###Allowing threads to devolve to flame fests only degrades the quality of the forums and compromises productive discussion.###

That is only a problem, because you are using an outdated & INFERIOR forum system. Better forum systems have a lot of advanced "crowd control" features.

###He already explained it was not censorship, but crowd control. You're pretending the counterarguments to your flawed logic and fallacies do not exist.###

Exactly. This is crowd control done badly. Newer forum systems can do that with minimum required human labor.

And because you are still using this old & shitty forum system (which i have pointed out in previous CENSORED topic) is why incarnate has to do this "crowd control".
Jan 24, 2013 TheRedSpy link
"instead maintain your almighty high seat, believing all you say or think is superior"

You mean saying something like "Yeah but I'm better at that!" #VOConvention #PotMeetKettle

Jan 24, 2013 DE-1413w link
I have been censored. I have had my threads locked. I have had post outright deleted. Most of the times, in review, I can see why, and agree. A few times (more than once?) I have slammed the moderator, explaining why it was not appropriate, and those few times, the moderator saw my point, and progress was made. But by long and far, most locks and deletes are with proper intention and merit.

You speak in absolutes: "No problem in history was ever solved by pretending that it doesn't exists." is a broad over generalization. It is not true as an absolutism. It may be true that ignoring a problem does not always fix it, or even ignoring a problem rarely fixes it, but sometimes, problems do go away by being ignored. As an example, if every one here simply ignored you, I would bet good credits that in time, you would simply go away. This is only an example of how you tend to speak in absolute terms, on subjects that are not absolute.

Additionally, you speak as a final authority. You do not say: "I believe that"..x y z. What you do say is "You shouldn't" bla bla bla, as if it is written in stone, but then you do not cite the stone.

I am not sure exactly who you think you are, but I am fairly confident that you are not who you think you are.

Care to try again?
Jan 24, 2013 ArAsH link
Can someone lock this please, just to piss him off some more.
Jan 24, 2013 PaladinOfLancelot link
Oh whatever go ahead and lock it, we are not going to achieve anything here today.

I have never ever met people so stubborn on any forums in the universe. You refuse to change, you refuse to see the problem.

The only thing you notice is that "it is that idiot POL speaking again".
Jan 24, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Why don't you do a little test and make another account and post a suggestion on the forums - ya know assuming you have a suggestion besides "DONT LOCK MAH THREDS!"