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REALLY cool backdrop... check it out

Nov 04, 2003 X0-563511 link

This is the Matrix code effect as an animating backdrop and screensaver. It runs stable and halts itself when something else decides it needs your CPU. Doesnt require any fancy hardware, and has oodles of options. (seperate win98/me and 2k/xp downloads)

Not to be a spammer, but i found this and have gotten 4 of my (real life) friends to get it. Besides, if you dont like it you can uninstall it.
Nov 05, 2003 roguelazer link
I prefer xmatrix and cmatrix. Xmatrix for X11, and cmatrix for console. As a matter of fact, I made a little command that when you type it starts cmatrix, and as soon as cmatrix is killed logs you out. I use that to logout now, becasue it leaves my consoles running cmatrix in effect. :P
Nov 05, 2003 X0-563511 link
Well, im only just learning the linux system (Debian 3.1r)

Just the other day (before windows started whining and i had to take off linux (system commander time!)) i figured out how to mount my USB Flash drive. WEE FOR ME!

Could you give me links to cmatrix and xmatrix?
Nov 05, 2003 roguelazer link

Xmatrix is in xscreensaver somewhere

Mine's in /usr/lib/xscreensaver/xmatrix
Nov 05, 2003 Arolte link
Nice. Now get one that renders your GUI in matrix code.
Nov 05, 2003 roguelazer link

Install the program "switch2". Then download the matrix font off the internet. Then set the system font to that font. I found the "Matrix" font somewhere once, but I have too much homework to look for it now. Besides, we haven't even made a Waylonics font yet!
Nov 05, 2003 paedric link