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Advanced combat no longer works when grouped?

Jan 13, 2016 yodaofborg link
I tried to invite a player who had combat 5 to my group (im combat 6) but when trying to take the mission I was told "You are not allowed to have this mission".

As one of the only group missions left this seems like a bug?


Cannot take the mission when grouped with just myself. Support ticket incoming.
Jan 13, 2016 CrazySpence link
How about the fact that border skirmish mission still exists but just isnt visible

You can see BS if you do a LUA mission list. I tried to write a plugin to take the mission but it didn't work out

Bring back group missions! *shakes fist*

Add more! *shakes fist harder*


Oh yea Patrol, not skirmish. same deal
Jan 13, 2016 yodaofborg link
Yeah, I mean BP was kind of funky, but it did get groups together. But Advanced combat SHOULD work. It's listed as a group mission, and would be great for groups of newbs to get with a pro for botting.

We need MORE group missions, not less.
Jan 13, 2016 raybondo link
Well, this is the first I've heard about BS missions not being visible or Advanced Combat mission not working.
Jan 13, 2016 yodaofborg link
It's the first I've heard of Ad combat not working in a group to be fair. When I asked on 100 seems it has been like this for some time, and folk just thought it was intentional.

So dunno! But yes, it will not let you take it once grouped, even though it shows on the mission board.

BP got borked/removed when the new Deneb missions got introduced, so I think that "might" be intentional, but I cannot speak on that.
Jan 13, 2016 raybondo link
Oh, BP missions, not BS missions.
BP missions are group missions.
It looks like the game isn't showing available group missions properly.
Jan 13, 2016 incarnate link
I have no recollection of any of this being intentional. I would be pretty reluctant to remove what few grouped missions we actually have.
Jan 14, 2016 yodaofborg link
Well, as far as BP goes, I think it was removed by Michael when he was doing the Border skirmish missions, as the sector that was used for BP is now a BS mission. But I could be wrong, I do not spend too much time in Deneb, but if you could bring that mission back, I'm sure people will appreciate it. As I recall you did make it less exploitable right before it was pulled.

As for Advanced Combat, the mission is showing as available when in a group, but when you try to take the mission (even when grouped alone, or with someone of at least combat 4) you get an error saying "You are not allowed to have this mission". So it's not that it isn't showing, you just cannot take the mission when grouped.
Jan 14, 2016 raybondo link
Well, there is an Advanced Combat mission for groups and single players. What you're seeing is the single player version of the mission. The server is preventing you from taking the single player mission because you're in a group.
What's supposed to happen is that your mission list should only show missions you can take as a group.
Jan 15, 2016 abortretryfail link
This has been broken since the All-Missions-Everywhere change a few years ago. This and BP were both removed around the same time. BP was super exploitable to power-level new characters. This one really didn't have such a problem.