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temp KOS but far away from NFZ

Aug 13, 2017 scared star link
so just now at 2052 (10:52pm) i got a temp KOS at arta to ukari wh, i was helping a player with the axia must die mission by sending escorts in grey to ukari, i decided to shoot the centaur and moth after i was away from the NFZ for a good 10 seconds and was close the wh i think i was 400-700m from warp point right when i shoot the moth i get a temp KOS with UIT, even though that was an axia behemoth and when i shoot the centaur to 50% i never got that temp KOS and i shot that centuar for 2 seconds or so. the temp KOS is gone in 6 seconds from me getting blown up next to the missiles turret so rip UDV i guess... its back to normal standings but damn does anyone know what happened?

EDIT: also you can shoot a non major nation ship( mini factions like TPG and Axia as such) at a wh of a major nation without a KOS, from the major nor the faction.
Aug 13, 2017 yodaofborg link
Ukari L-2 and Arta B-11 have a UiT station and a UiT NFZ, it is not just any worm hole sector either, it is a border guarded one. It is not grey space it is UiT space, use more sense next time.
Aug 14, 2017 cnaw link
WH's @ Ini O-12, Jal E-15 and Ukari L-2 all trigger a NFZ violation if you shoot someone near those holes.