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Vendetta client - server protocol

Apr 18, 2004 amq link

since there are now so many new bots I wondered how they work and how they could be improved or changed (maybe merged to one?). I found out that all current bots need to have the game running to work.
In my opinion this is not really workable or even possible on a server machine. However a bot should be able to be online 24/7 and do not use too much cputime.
So I realized the most effective bot would be a simple script that connects to the server and works like ... let's say a bot, connected to the IRCNET.
Since ircbots aren't too hard to write in a language like perl (the one I like most) or probalby c, I wondered if it was possible to create something like that for vendetta.
This was about the time when I began to realize the real problems about that ;-).
I got no idea how the client connects to the vendetta gameserver, sends the account and character information and logs on (and I am not really sure if devs want us to know since it is a bit ... sensitive)
I began to do some stracing and packet sniffing on vendetta during the connect process but it didn't really return the information I hoped to receive (I got some non-human-readable binary).
So I wanted to ask you (particularly the devs) if there is some kind of description to the client - server protocol, or just some information how the logon process works, avalible (Or maybe the statement that the devs don't want people to know it or something like that).

I will of course accept either way but would be glad to experiment a bit :-).

Bye, amq
Apr 18, 2004 roguelazer link
They said no before. But here's what we know:

1. The protocol was going to be encrypted, but isn't anymore.
2. 1 is because they compress the protocol and it's REALLY complex
3. The protocol is in fact so complex that not even our best could figure it out
4. The devs don't want us to know it anyhow.
5. Experimenting with the protocol causes weird things to happen.