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Ghost Ship And No Exploding

May 03, 2004 Hoax link
Icarus killed me in 11, I undocked and was sitting by the station, but a ghost of my ship was still floating by him and he was able to destroy it, which (as described above) caused my new not close to him ship to explode(Arg!).

Later in 6 I saw something I think may be related. I shot a drone and it blew up and dropped cargo but didn't disapear. Another player next to me was able to shoot it again causing another explosion and cargo spill, this time it did disapear.
May 01, 2004 SirCamps link
This is a combination of several bugs.

I was botting in 18, and a bot killed me. As usual, there was no explosion. At that point, my [dead] ship went spinning wildly at a slow pace. [INM] Piroko shot it thinking I was still alive. By that point in time I had undocked and continued hunting bots. When he shot my "ghost ship," however, I took damage, and eventually he killed me. Voodoo dolls, anyone?
May 02, 2004 Katarn link
Oh yeah, I saw this happen before. Even got a picture of a second mOOse. I could even bump and push them.
May 02, 2004 SirCamps link
I killed A.K.A this way......
May 03, 2004 harvestmouse link
I was dueling with moondog when this happened. I noticed that he had lagged out, because his spinning ship took no damage... he undocked from the station seconds afterwards though (did I kill him by shooting his lagged ship? :/)
May 03, 2004 genka link
I managed to get the no-explosion thing happen while running verbosity 9, and here's what I got:

When I see an explosion:
[Mon May 3 18:26:26 2004] ship item was removed
[Mon May 3 18:26:26 2004] gameevent type 6
[Mon May 3 18:26:26 2004] playerFSM: PlayingState->DeadState via PlayerDiedTransition
[Mon May 3 18:26:26 2004] *Assault I JCC-9055-59 destroyed [syn]n00b
[Mon May 3 18:26:26 2004] ffffffUserUpdate for node 10.
[Mon May 3 18:26:26 2004] ffffffUserUpdate for node 14.

When I see no explosion:
[Mon May 3 18:27:13 2004] gameevent type 6
[Mon May 3 18:27:13 2004] playerFSM: PlayingState->DeadState via PlayerDiedTransition
[Mon May 3 18:27:13 2004] *Guardian PX-1371l destroyed [syn]n00b

In both these cases there was no bus spinning off into the sky slowly (although I had that bug before, and will try to catch it with the verbosity.)
In the case that there was no explosion, the bots kept on shooting at the place I was just at. Their shots appeared to hit something, even though there was no visible ship there.
May 03, 2004 raybondo link
We know about the no-explosion problem. We're not worried about it right now.