Forums » Bugs

information Pannel red

Sep 07, 2004 Tertior link
My panel of information becomes red and I do not have any more
information since the panel mission. If I look at my crédits I
got 651871c and if I look at characterinfo money I got 579915.
It's frequent. For more explanation I takes screenshots if
you want..
Sep 07, 2004 Futt link
Hm I noticed something similar; apparently when I scroll the chat, the chat pane background turns red (presumably to indicate that the text is scrolled up). If I leave the chat pane in this state and open up other menus (such as buy ship or other in-station stuff) sometimes (not always) the lower half of the screen gets covered in a red translucent rectangle.

I'll see if I can reproduce it and take a screenie.

[EDIT] Screenies here (chat scrolled up) (select ship menu)
Sep 07, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
ay, scroll it back down and it dissapears.
Sep 07, 2004 raybondo link
The red chat panel is a feature, not a bug.
The Charinfo window in the station is being removed. You will have to press the CharInfo button to get at your info.
Sep 07, 2004 roguelazer link
You're adding another button to the station interface? Sheesh.
Sep 07, 2004 a1k0n link
It's already there.

(but that was my reaction too)
Sep 07, 2004 Futt link
Yes I know the chat panel thingy is a feature - but if you look at the second screenshot, that's the ship selection screen. Or did I misunderstand something?