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Inflight Menu Tabs

Sep 15, 2004 baccaruda link
Fly Itani Space Lanes and get your meals on credit!

not realy...

The 'in flight' chat menu tabs marked: General -! and Mission - @
(to switch between them when flying).

On my U.K. Keyboard the keys are : General -! and Mission - "
to switch.
So I'm assuming its a non U.S. keyboard map issue.
Sep 15, 2004 Icarus link
Us UK'ers are gonna have issues here... It is ! and @ still on my keyboard, BUT my @ key is near Enter, so its probably not what was intended. At least your mappings put the keys next to each other bacca...
Sep 15, 2004 Eldrad link
you can just go into the options and set them to what ever is nice on your keyboard.
Sep 17, 2004 yodaofborg link
Yes, for now that works fine (remapping) but if i remap to say @ (shift and ', not shift and 2 on my UK keyboard) It displays " there are other keys moved round also... an obvious chr$ mapping problem, as just like dialect, keyboards vary in layout and special keys (you ever seen an azerty keyboard?) and could cause major issues in the long run.... (laptop keyboards, german, french, spanish,...list goes on and on...) so surely international codepages is something the devs are going to have to work into the final at some point.... =D
Sep 17, 2004 Black Omega link
Why do we have to use shifted keys? Cant we just use F1 and F2 ??
Sep 17, 2004 Douglas link
That's a problem I know since the days of WC1: Either you manage to change your keyboard-layout to US, or you learn to cope with the "wrong" layout.
Ever tried pressing square brackets on a german kbdlayout? *G*
Sep 17, 2004 Eldrad link
Obviously there are tons of different lay outs, which is why the devs can't make a key map, or multiple key maps that make everyone happy. But each person will most likely only have one keyboard that they're using, so they can easily re-bind the defaults to whatever suites them.
Sep 17, 2004 yodaofborg link
Yup, but its not about what the key does, its about what the key is displayed as, as it currently *displays* the wrong chr$ to the wrong key bound (ie, if i press " in the bind menu i get @ displayed)... im not slating the devs, they are doing a fine job, and in my opinion this needs addressing....
Sep 17, 2004 Icarus link
yoda, what OS you using? Do other applications have the wrong keys mapped? Even though I'm using a UK keyboard my " and @ keys display correctly, as my X Windows keyboard mapping is setup for my UK keyboard.
Sep 17, 2004 raybondo link
Yes, we have a simple lookup table for shifted numeric keys. It's dumb. I'll see what I can do to make it better.

As for using F1, etc.... You can.
Sep 17, 2004 yodaofborg link
Icarus, i usually run linux, and have to say it works, but under windoze (im playing on a win box in my dinner hour at work, and am currently dual bootin win/lin and playing v mainly in win, as i think it is going to be the most used os after release ;)....) the mappings are incorrect ;) and all the other applications installed do display correctly, (ie, word, thunderbird, tolbit, excel and the likes)... i can suffer, not a prob to me, but would be to a n00b me thinks =)

Edit : plus, i typed the above message on the above O/S and it worked XoD
Sep 17, 2004 a1k0n link
Yes, under Linux it uses Xlib's key translation capabilities to figure out what keys display as what and vice versa. Under Windows, it's hardcoded as an American keyboard layout because the Win32 API didn't appear to have the same functionality. I'm sure there's a way to do it but we couldn't figure out what it was.. Of course that code was written five years ago and has been pretty much untouched since then.
Sep 18, 2004 Eldrad link
ah... sorry, miss understood you yoda.
Sep 19, 2004 Froste link
When I tried to bind general and mission tabs thru the options screen (to f6 and f7), it says, bind: no such command 'tab1', and tab2 respectively
Sep 21, 2004 raybondo link
yeah, there was a small mixup with the commands that switch tabs in the HUD. the alias used to be called ch1 and ch2 but was changed to tab1 and tab2. You'll have to make tab1 and tab2 aliases that are the same as ch1 and ch2 or reset your binds to the default by pressing the Default button in the Controls menu.

As an aside, I think I figured out how to correctly do foreign keyboards in windows. That will be in the next update, so try it out and see if it works.
Sep 25, 2004 baccaruda link
K, just loaded the new update, its moved the mission tab toggle from " shift " + " 2 " to @ or " shift " + " ' ".

(that is where it was supposed to be.. just not as conveiniant now as shift + 1 and 2 but it will bind :)