Forums » Bugs

Combat Training Mission

Oct 07, 2004 Machaven link
I have done the combat mission about 3 times, twise just getting the having of things w/ the smaller bots and once up to killing 95 dentek bots... Is the mission ever supposed to end? I thought i saw a message at one stage saying i wont get any more rewards, but i still got credits & exp up till then. If someone has enough time on their hands they could easily level up quite a few times in a few hours. Maybe the combat mission should be split up into 2 missions: Beginner and Intermidiate.. And it should stay even stay on even after log off.
Oct 07, 2004 Ambush link
The missions ends when you have enough points for combat level 4.
After killing 50 bots you don't get a greater bonus after killing another 5 bots, but you get a bonus.