Forums » Bugs

Purchased Trade Goods disappeared

Oct 10, 2004 Jobias link
I purchased 5 Corrosive Chemicals at Arta Caelestis J11. The goods aren't in the EC-88's cargo, the unloaded cargo hold, the Centurion I had docked at that station's hold, and they don't show up on the Character Info tab.
Oct 10, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Did you notice the absence before or after you left the station?
Oct 11, 2004 theluckyone link
Were the credits removed from your account? I've got a problem every now and then where I'll attempt to purchase something, and everything appears fine, but the purchase doesn't actually occur... no money is removed from my account, either.
Oct 13, 2004 Jobias link
Re Moderator:
I noticed the absence after I (uneventfully) got to the station I intended to sell the goods at. I then flew back, assuming the cargo simply hadn't made it to my empty cargo hold on the EC-88, and was given an unpleasent surprise when I got there and found that someone had ransacked my locker ^_^ (or they went "poof", whaddever)

Re theluckyone:
Credits definately were subtracted... I went from 2700ish credits to 88.