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ack, login woes

Oct 20, 2004 zamzx zik link
when I try to log in (most of the time after I played in the last 60 mins or so) it wont let me, and I have to try 2-3 times, then when I get to my char screen I can't pick one, I can delete them, but not make new ones. after a time of trying I can log in, and all my chars are back.

I think the sever is holding on the the fact that zamzx zik's char is still online even when I did /logoff I can log on my brothers one, bug guy.

this is getting on my nerves...

but, hey I am a Alpha tester, what am I to expect?
Oct 20, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Zam, it's really tough to understand the specifics of your problem as you've written it here.

I think you are saying:

"If I log off, and then try to log back on within an hour or so, I can't log on. After 2-3 tries I can get to the character selection screen, but I can't click a character to enter the game. I can delete characters, but I can't make new ones. After awhile I can log on and all my original characters are back.

I think the server thinks that one of the characters attached to my zamzx zik account is still logged on, even though I used /logoff. I'm able to log on using "bug guy", my brother's account."

Please correct me if I misrepresented you.

When you try unsuccessfully to log on, what does the server say?
When you log on and all your characters are back, can you play normally?
Does this only happen when you use /logoff?
If so, what operating system are you using?
When you can't log on using zamzx, can you log in with "bug guy" and then /msg your zamzx character as if that character was online?