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Minimum System Requirements

Nov 03, 2004 roguelazer link
Are only listed on the download page, which people can't see without getting an account. Thus, prospective buyers cannot see what the minimum requirements are without getting an account, which many of them probably will not do for that very reason.
Nov 03, 2004 CrazySpence link
true story
Nov 04, 2004 yodaofborg link
Tis true, belongs in FAQ, IMHO.... ;o)
Nov 04, 2004 sarahanne link
I'll add it to my FAQ when I get home tonight just for you yoda :P
Nov 04, 2004 RelayeR link
It would be easier to add an interim page between the download link and the registration page. Click the download link for your system, get the requirements page and a button to register.
Nov 05, 2004 Infinite_Skillz link
Very much agreed. Can you also get apple to change the 'system requirements' in their <<>> feature to include also a 'minimum system requirements'. I am currenly running VO with medium graphic settings on an iMac DV SE with a 400mhz g3, 256Mb, and an 8MB Rage 128 released a long time ago!. The system requirements listed in this feature are much higher and it would be a pity if people shyed away from trying the trial, just because they thought their computers werent up to task (plus I have no lag issues, and im playing from Australia on 56k line! very impressive!).