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Timeout => disconnected => faction standing loss !

Dec 04, 2004 Chao link
Yesterday I was in the Ukari M5 station, took a mission for Xang Xi, then I couldn't get out of the station... after a minute the dreaded "timeout" message popped up and I relogged in.

I had lost 40 standing !

Today it happened again in Odia J9, I took a Corvus mission, then couldn't get out of the station, timeouted, and when I logged back in I had gone from +405 to +365 standing with Corvus >:(

Disconnections based on lag shouldn't affect gameplay in such a devastating way !
Dec 04, 2004 Spellcast link
and how is the server supposed to know that you disconnected because of lag and not because you closed your program?

Actually however the trade missions just need to all be persistant across login/logouts instead of some of them counting a logoff as an abort.
Dec 04, 2004 Chao link
The server can tell if it's a "hard" disconnection because the TCP connection was ended by a timeout (dropped) and not by a three-way termination sequence (FIN FIN_ACK ACK).

And if it does not use TCP then it must have some kind of session management (hence the authentication at startup) at some level, that should terminate in a comparable way.
Dec 04, 2004 Spellcast link
Anyway, knowing how you disconnected isnt really the issue. the missions counting a disconnect as a mission abort is.

(tho Its still possible to kill the network connection and make it look like a timeout. pull the modem from the wall for a very simple method)
Dec 04, 2004 Chao link
I agree that trading missions should persist.
Dec 04, 2004 Spider link
kill -9 `pidof vendetta`

would do the same as pulling the plug.

or "ifdown eth1" in my case. ( the protocol is UDP btw. )

but aye, it'd be nice if trademissions were persistant between forced disconnections.
Dec 04, 2004 Starfisher link
A ping timeout is when you stop receiving packets and one pulls the plug - you don't get a FIN/FIN_ACK if you've lost the connection.

It does suck that you lost faction, but no online game is without lag related problems. They just sort of have to be borne.
Dec 06, 2004 ananzi link
yeah ok.

but if you go to the mission computer, and say 'i lost the cargo', you lose about -zero- faction.

if you 'abort', you lose about -fourty- faction.

considering each trade mission only gives 7 or 8 faction, its a nasty little surprise.
Dec 06, 2004 Thrangar link
Hey Chao! yeah been there done that even complained.

I was timed out six times in one day all with missions!

(some times I lost 30 sometimes it was only 1 anyway buy the end of the day some faction stats were below where I started)

It needs to be fixed, sloppy internet service is something that is going to be around.So why not just assume it going to happen and not punish the player for it.

I could care less if someone else cheats let them, dont blanket law me because someone else cheats!

Dec 09, 2004 boredbypolitics link
The other problem, as I discovered last night, is when you're in the middle of a trade mission, and vendetta doesn't get past the LOADING screen between jumps. Usuallying using /logoff and then logging back on will solve the problem, but this will also lose the trade mission. Very annoying if you just came 5 systems!
Dec 09, 2004 Spider link
before you do that, press "m" and cancel the mission. pay them their fee.