Forums » Suggestions


Aug 23, 2006 space guy link
hi vo on vendetta i hav porblims getting around and i think that you shoud make warp the go to diffrint sysitims like serco space uit space itani space warps to those placeis but u can choose what sector o also including blank space example sedina b14 and also make it so that u can build your own universe to attach to vendetta space all so i hate it when this happons that u travil to another sector with emenys iin it they attack your on 3% health u travil to escape but when u just leave thru the warp hole u blow up
can u plz not make that happon its relly anoing
Aug 23, 2006 CrazySpence link

Aug 23, 2006 LostCommander link
space guy, I do not think anyone understands what you have written. It has worse spelling than even Lord Q or drunk LeberMac and it possesses the grammatical accuracy of a third-grader; sente-gaphs are evil. I am forced to conclude this is a joke post by a bored player...

I will be awaiting either an updated post of this suggestion that is comprehensible or the veteran responsible for this to admit to it.
Aug 23, 2006 Snax_28 link
Your analytical skills of deduction are awe inspiring LC.
Aug 23, 2006 Whistler link
OK - I'll just take this at face value and try to understand it:


With Vendetta I have problems getting around and I think that you should make the warp go to different systems like Serco space, UIT space and Itani space. You could choose what sector.
(presumably he means you could go directly to your destination without passing through other sectors?)

Also make it so that you can build your own universe to attach to vendetta space. (I think he means like creating your own home as in There and other games)

Also I hate it when you travel to another sector with enemies in it they attack you when you have only 3% health. You try to escape, but when you leave through the warp hole you blow up. Can you please make that not happen? It's really annoying.
(I think he means he gets shot up while warping away.)
Aug 23, 2006 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Whistler, that seems fairly accurate. I shall respond.

First, being able to travel to any sector you wish at any time is a Bad Thing. This makes Vendetta roughly 99% safer. Sure, this may be good for traders- specifically in that they don't need to put any thought into trade routes and everywhere is one jump away, but it would reduce player interaction to everywhere but station-sectors. Everyone would be rich(not that many aren't already) and VO would lose a lot of players due to excess cash and nothing to spend it on.

Furthermore, if you can travel to any sector you wish, it would cause only a handful of sectors to ever be visited- even less where people would see each other. It would remove nearly all challenge from the game and make it pointless to have a wormhole icon in your map. Simply put: No Travel Time Breaks Game.

[I'm in disagreement to this part- I think the OP meant to be able to make their own systems]
Secondly, while players won't be able to create their own systems and sectors- they may one day be able to own their own stations. Also, once the exploration pack is put in we'll have a number of previously unknown systems to explore- perhaps even ones where owning a station may be an option.

Thirdly and finalmost- It used to be that you could not take damage while warping/jumping in and out of a sector- this caused people to use this to be nearly invincible and annoy any pursuers. After a time, it was decided that the problem would be solved if being invincible while jumping was removed, as well as a timer to prevent excessive wormhole-hopping across the same systems. For the most part, this has fixed any problems. A bit of advice might help you though- don't warp when there are enemies nearby.
Aug 23, 2006 KixKizzle link
Just..... wow.
Aug 23, 2006 drdoak007 link
as irritating as it is to boom while you are warping out of a sector, it truly is your choice to warp.

it's a pain in the butt, since the only chance you have to survive is warp, but there's not much that can be done about it. especially in grey space.

although, if we were to come to some reasoning during a pvp situation...

alias concede 'say_sector "I give up... Please take this bursary as exchange for my life." ; givemoney %target% 50000'
bind "C" concede

the funding amount can be changed, and I havent tested this alias, but if it would please the court... there might be something useful with that.

and there might want to be two seperate binds due to "in the moment" behaviour.