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Two addons: Manueverability

Nov 01, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
I was thinking about this in the shower

Combustion Chamber:

Large port
Turbo Speed: + 10 m/s
Turbo Energy: + 5 m/s
Mass: 600kg
License: ?/?/?/?/?

Anti Gravity Pod:

Small Port
Total Mass Reduction: 25%
Energy Recharge Rate: -5/s (Yes, a permament drain on batteries)
Mass: 300kg
License: I/haven't/thought/about/it

Thoughts? I'll type more later.
Nov 01, 2006 toshiro link
No to the mass reduction. At the very least not this high.

Yes to the speed boost. An after-afterburner!
Nov 01, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
change porttypes + weights around and it migt be nifty.
Nov 01, 2006 LordofBlades link
Just change the ports around actually, at the current setup, the S-port would be far more valuable of an addition, and would likely make any fightercraft godly.
Nov 03, 2006 PsyRa link

How about a different kind of port, called a tweak port. And the add ons would include the type described above, plus a wide variety of others.

Things like.
- power per weapon fire
+ weapon velocity
+ mining rate,
- asteroid heat
+ CU holds.

etc etc.

Add ons could be restricted by the appropriate license, as well as only available by completing certain missions.

Larger ships, and ships with higher MK could have more than one of these, to allow for greater diversity.
Nov 06, 2006 Binah link

Anyways, back to the original thought at hand, I don't mind giving light fighters super manueverability so long as they give a port up for it. Hell, knock the weight of my weight reducer device up to 1000kg, so that loading one on your fighter wouldn't actually change anything, anywho. Oh, and I don't know if this is relevant, but it seems the price for 5m/s cruising speed is about 0.5 spin torque. Maybe make an addition for that?

Also, I'd like to point out how every ship with atleast 2 large ports only attains a maximum speed of 200m/s anyways. *Coincidently*, if you were to *theoretically* maybe put two of those on your *Ragnorak*, then you'd have the speed of a hyped up maud anyways. Suddenly you have a heavier, more armoured Valkerye. The point is, maybe I like the shape of a Ragnorak, but I want the manueverability of a light fighter...

Oh yeah, and naturally Behemoth pilots would be enthused to have the double afterburners on their ships. They'd be even more enthused to have the mass reduction, but that's just too snarking bad. Anywho, putting these upgrades in anything besides small and large ports as I've decided would upset the balance of the game *drastically*. Renegade, are you trying to imply that you want to see a Centaur pulling off loops like a Centaurion, or a Ragnorak accelerate faster than your Maud, only to blast you away with those 3 spare small ports?

A final note, yeah... I had misgivings of setting the mass reduction so high. I don't have a whole lot of experience with tweaking the mass on ships, and comparing acceleration, etc. Some formulas would be nice. Maybe I'll BS my way through them tonight.
(Acceleration = [m/s/s*Thrust/Mass]/[Speed] maybe?) Another thought is to say the small ports give a percent addition to thrust. The devs would know what the right numbers to plug in are, I'm just hoping to persuade one to implement some form of customization sooner rather than later, and this seemed a friendly enough method of doing so.

- SuperMegaMynt