Forums » Suggestions

Some ideas...

Nov 01, 2006 cheepa link
- Story Board
o Pre-Start
 Choose a picture of yourself / character
o Start
 Academy on home planet
• First, you have time to get your free education
o Every course has benefits, but costs time…
o You have a limited education based on time credits
o Your choices define your character’s strengths
• Get to experience the game in a simulation mode on the planet
o Possible top gun like event at the end of each month for top students?
• At the end of training, you get a ride to the space station
o The demo ends here…
• Home planets can be visited by hitching a ride in local station
o Further education should be possible, but be quite expensive to get and limited to advancements in your selected fields during academy
o Early
 Limited Range
• Border Guards at home station system wormholes inform you that you aren’t allowed out further until you get more experience… (wormhole not active and hail message on action)
• Mission bots in space in certain different Dot colors for
o Bring back coordinate system for location information
o Add a changing multidimensional spin on stations to prevent auto-trading
o Missions
 One mission at a time is a major limiter…
 Missions at a time should go up as you go, starting with 3 or so…

- New Equipment
o Cargo Scanners
 Allow you to view
o Radar Jammer
o Ion Storm Generator
o Scanner Probes to get an asteroid listing (flag asteroids)

- Other Features
o Battle Turbo Setting
 50% of turbo so that turns are possible, but wider… (better dueling)
o Station video monitor screens (and at race tracks etc…)
 Show news of what is going on locally…
 Including race cams from inside the tunnels
o Space Turrets
 Powerful and stationary bots set up to help hold a perimeter
o Events Board in your PDA for every system if your faction is good enough
 Find out what is going on and when so you can be around
o Floating Space Cargo page on sensor log…
 Locate key cargo faster.
o Targeting Dizziness
 The more a player spins, the more lag they get on their targeting
 Aim is to reduce some of the spin dodging to get more exciting duels
o Opponent information
 What weapons they are using
 What upgrades it has
 What its limits are (possibly based on what’s been seen)
o Weapons Offline Mode
 When within range of stations, etc…
 Timer on charging up the weapons
 Weapons must be offline to cloak….
o Cloaking - Serco
 Improvements based on level of bio-engineering
 No turbo + weapons offline
 Super scanner can improve detection
 Improvements on:
• range before detection
• weapon power up time
• amount of mass that can be cloaked
o Shield – Itani
 Improvements based on your Chi
 Recoil from impact
 Improvements on:
• shield life span,
• recharge rate,
• shield diameter (close shots use up shield)
 Dueling:
• In home systems, duel as a simulation: ie: no damage to ship.
o Small ships with room for passengers and or crew
 People transport missions
 Allow people to play as taxi cabs for other players
 People delivery missions
o Semi-Bot character drones
 These are bots with different strengths, much like yourself
• You get an email in your PDA when there is a person out there who wants to join you, but you have to go pick them up.
 Benefits:
• Your own escort defense crew
• Gets more traffic and action in space
 They fly in your ship or a separate one and take their instructions from you.
 They should have a few programmable instructions so they can be customized
 You can improve their stats through normal fashion, as well as through simulation battles that carry only artificial damage
o Ability to blow up asteroids, maybe just the ice ones and have them regenerate

- Trading:
o Have a board of what is needed, and prices being offered and vice versa
 Objects being sold should be on a reverse pricing scheme to selling
 Good Faction Standing allows you to view status of goods
• Better standing = more accurate info and longer range.
• Allows players to go further to get a cheaper price…
o Sell at once exploit…. Selling should always be diminishing returns
o Black Market
 Booze Running?
 Drug Running?
 Weapon smuggling
 “Pirate like” crossing guards at certain sectors with cargo scanners
 Trust meter for probability of being inspected…

- Bugs
o View Change when you change sectors or enter a station (the view resets to internal view everytime…)
o Weapons in Cargo come up as individual instead of grouping…
Nov 01, 2006 Dark Knight link
cheepa, maybe you misread the "Guild" in "Guild Software" as "Blizzard". Common mistake.
Nov 01, 2006 cheepa link
something specific you don't like?
Nov 02, 2006 jexkerome link
About ALL of those things have already been suggested, Cheepa, with the probable exception of that education thingie, which IMHO makes no sense.

It would be best if you thought up some more specific suggestions for any idea you'd like to endorse strongly, look up the proper thread using the Search function, read up, and then add your two cents. We do not mind thread necromancy if it was done to add something insightful or to revive the discussion. What we (the community) do mind is every new player coming over and posting the exact same suggestions/suggestion lists that countless others have done before.
Nov 02, 2006 Whistler link
Ideas are much appreciated, but have a look here first. Afterward, feel free to flesh out esiting threads or post fleshed out innovative ideas.
Nov 02, 2006 Dark Knight link
"Ideas are much appreciated, but have a look here first. Afterward, feel free to flesh out esiting threads or post fleshed out innovative ideas."

Who the hell wants threads about people that get paid to watch other people's children on webcams?

eSitting... Sheesh.
Nov 02, 2006 Whistler link
Nanny 911 is popular I hear.
