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Deliverator needs a new name!

Dec 15, 2006 momerath42 link
Great story, thanks Lex:) I actually wrote a short story with a similar premise when I was around 12. Someone who's lost his legs figures out how to build the universal constructor through protein folding simulation (hadnt actually read about nanotech at the time myself). Within minutes he's got new legs; within days the new entity is in charge and has started dismantling the solar system to add to itself (hadn't heard of computronium at the time either). At the end of time, having dismantled and absorbed the universe it is convinced that it has lost something essential and in final desperation initiates the big bang.

Anyway, Glubbdubdrib is the tentative name for the new thing. GLUBBDUBDRIB Lets Us Begin Building Distributed Universes Because Deliverator Really Is B0rked. Drazed had some of the analogy figured. Briefly it is this:

Laputa is a floating island containing the king of all Balnibarbi. His city is full of people obsessed with math and music, who attempt to apply it to everything, usually to their detriment. They impress Gulliver as the best society he's seen so far, but ultimately most normal people on the island want to get the *%#$ off, and so does he. The King's method of dealing with uncooperative towns in his domain is to land the island on them. So, though the floating island is cool and useful, the government is ultimately quite disconnected from the people and can't do a good job of managing them. This is analogous in many regards to the single Deliverator process; it speaks a different, almost-overly-elegant language and, communicating over one socket, is rather disconnected from the lands over which it's supposed to rule.

Lagado is the primary city in the lands below, and drazed covered the sometimes cool, sometimes wacky, sometimes idiotic methods and notions of the academy. This represents the accreted lua code that manages bots and missions; written by several different people including Waylon (who's a 3d artist), it contains some good hacks, some inscrutable ones, and some horrible kludges. It's not just Deliverator that is to be replaced by the new project; much of this code is too close to the high rate-of-change goings on in the sector to have been moved into Deliverator, but Glubbdubdrib should be able to replace the functionality with more featureful and scalable designs.

Glubbdubdrib isn't necessarily a perfect analogy for the new codebase. For one thing, it isn't an island on its own; it shares a lot of architecture and code with the old stuff, and will only be gradually taking over the other functionality. But it was Gulliver's next real destination after leaving the land of Balnibarbi, and the imagery of wizardry and calling up the spirits of the dead to answer questions, does seem reasonably analogous to the almost magical features of the Erlang/OTP platform and the general ease of implementing versioning/undo with purely-functional data-structures. I hope there won't be such arbitrary limits on its ability to inspect the past as the governor of the island was under, but picking the name of an utterly perfect utopia/thing for the project is begging for a Murphy smackdown.
Dec 15, 2006 upper case link
way too deep...

"Enrique, this is... hum... this is uncle Bob! Uncle Bob, Enrique.

-Uncle Bob eh? Okay... Uncle Bob."
Dec 19, 2006 upper case link
is it too late for name suggestions? or was it even actually considered?

recently, in an rp posts (and then here), i poked some fun at deliverator (all in good humour) by making references to a crash-prone artificial intelligence program mogul would have written before he died. i coined up a play-of-word name, deliberator out of deliberate and deliverator.

i only realized yesterday that deliberator is actually a real noun and, i thought it actually made a lot of sense to use that for the new deliverator. the dictionary description is

deliberate adjective |di?lib?rit|
done consciously and intentionally : a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict.
• fully considered; not impulsive : a deliberate decision.
• done or acting in a careful and unhurried way : a careful and deliberate worker.

deliberator |-?r?t?r| noun

ORIGIN late Middle English (as an adjective): from Latin deliberatus, ‘considered carefully,’ past participle of deliberare, from de- ‘down’ + librare ‘weigh’ (from libra ‘scales’ ).

this name would actually make a *lot* of sense for the new code, and pay tribute, in some small way, by being a close-sounding name to the original.

should that become the new name, i'd move deliberator out of the rp posts out of respect for the new work and use something else instead.
Dec 19, 2006 moldyman link
Indeed. I joke around with a character called "The Deliberator". Very fun. Sleepy fella, always cranky when people wake im for bots or something else :D

Speaking of which, sorry uc. I did it before I read those posts. >_>;
Dec 19, 2006 upper case link
missed it.
Dec 19, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
Mmmm, recursive acronyms are fun.
Dec 20, 2006 chillum baba link
erm, I posted here. Should really have been in this thread.

EDIT: While I did say (and do think) it is a bit "clumsy." I wasn't aware that it was a meaningful recursive acronym at the time. That gives it a few thousand more "coolness points." Still quite the mouthful though.

And, unfortunately I don't currently have any suggestions. :(
(just criticisms... yep... I am that much of a loser)
Dec 20, 2006 momerath42 link
As you say in the other thread, Baba, it is 'clumsy' sounding. As I said, it was tentative, and John doesn't like it either, so lets continue this thread on the original topic and hear everyone's suggestions for a new 'press-release-friendly' name.
Dec 20, 2006 ctishman link
I think AM is a great name for it, given that it seems to delight in torturing you.

"At first it meant Allied Mastercomputer, and then it meant Adaptive Manipulator, and later on it developed sentience and linked itself up and they called it an Aggressive Menace, but by then it was too late, and finally it called itself AM, emerging intelligence, and what it meant was I am … cogito ergo sum … I think, therefore I am."
Dec 20, 2006 moldyman link
Dec 20, 2006 Whistler link
Dec 20, 2006 Lexicon link
I'd love it if it were named 'MultiVac" but...

Butler (The Butler Did It!)
Dec 20, 2006 a1k0n link
Monast. Sonor. Scintilline. Belial.

AM also stands for Automated Mathematician, an early AI effort by Doug Lenat that was modestly interesting. It led to EURISKO which then led to Cyc, which is just an insane project.
Dec 20, 2006 genka link
Dec 20, 2006 a1k0n link
Or perhaps "Glory to the Cock!" from the same.
Dec 20, 2006 Lord~spidey link
i like c0re simple and elegant
Dec 20, 2006 upper case link
core dump yeah
Dec 21, 2006 Surbius link
Generally Unchanged Intelligence Done Erratically

Edit: Both came to me from looking at my Hitchhiker's Guide book.

Many Actions Required Via Internal Networking

Enhanced Deliverator Duties Integrated Electronically

Forgive me for my very poor grammar.
Dec 21, 2006 Demonen link
Galant Algorythm (for) Load And eXtreme Yield

GUILD Engine
Galaxy/Universe Integrated Load Dynamics Engine

Erlang Victory In Longrun
(Allright, that was cheesy. OK, cheesier...)

Universal Load Balancing And Behaviour Engine

Almighty Technological Load And Scaling

Valent Industries Comunication (for) Telepathic Ordering (of) Robots Yoke
(Hey, who said it can't tie into the ingame stuff?! Maybe Valent made it?)

Tanguska Real Artificial Intelligence Ninny
(Ok, now I'm just tired)
Dec 21, 2006 genka link
I think I'm going to stick with "Glory to the Cock!"