Forums » Suggestions

Bomber mode

Dec 15, 2006 iry link
I did a mild reading of the "read this before posting" thread and saw nothing.

Any thoughts on a type of "bomber" mode for certain ships/weapons?

Currently ammo based weapons fire at their repeat rate if you hold down the trigger. What if instead the rocket/missile launchers would release their loads at that same unchanged fire rate and allow them to coast in the direction/speed the ship was moving at the time of launch. The rockets/missiles would keep their engines offline for however long the pilot decided to hold the trigger and once released they would all activate at once.

So for example a rag pilot could dive bomb a leviathan by keeping his course steady while holding the launcher's trigger down for bigger hits instead of streaming the rockets in 1-5 at a time (depending on how many ports/launchers he has). The task of a full load bombing could be made difficult by the addition of a fire control bubble that would auto activate the rockets/missiles once they reached a certain distance from the ship. This sort of fire control would make screamers and seekers more viable as an anti cap-ship weapon since they would be launchable in "blobs".

I know that this would make capship killing easier but I think it would be a nice ability for bombers to have.
Dec 15, 2006 CrippledPidgeon link
I think at the same time, the missiles and rockets shouldn't do damage until they're activated. Otherwise then you'd might as well create a bomb weapon launcher that just drops warheads out the back (basically the weapon fires a warhead backwards at 5 m/s)

The advantage of the rockets would be that they don't necessarily have to be launched while travelling directly at the leviathan. They launch aimed in the same direction as the launcher is facing, so the launching ship could be travelling obliquely as they launch, and activate the rockets so they hit the ship from a different direction. Difficult to pull off, but it would make the launching fighter a more difficult target for gunners (as attacking straight in would make the fighter into an essentially stationary target).

Whereas bombs would be more difficult for gunners to shoot down as they have no bright trail to mark them. They would also have larger warheads (no need for propulsion and guidance systems), but at the same time, would require the use of large fighters and having a straight bombing run.
Dec 15, 2006 Jim Kirk link
I like this idea a lot. It should have been made possible already, except it's not...
Dec 15, 2006 toshiro link
Interesting, indeed. I like this idea.