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Mission Tree Suggestions, make your own...

Dec 29, 2006 Jim Kirk link
Developer Incarnate wrote:
"a multi-dimensional 'rewards' system which includes rewarding people through progressive mission trees (trees which open up trees which open up trees) wherein the user is granted additional access as their rise in the esteem of the given faction"

My mission tree:
(first I'd like to say that this particular tree is assuming the mission mechanism allows for more than one mission to a player at a time, much like a "current quests/missions list" in many other rpgs)

-Buy ore at a station
-Bring ore to another station capable of manufacturing it into something
-Wait for them to manufacture the units, (the more units the longer you'll have to wait, but time is exponential if they keep making the same item they get 'better and more efficient' time wise at it) you may do another mission in the meantime if you like...
-bring finished products (and perhaps the parts of products that were defective) to a different manufacturer
-Wait for them to finish it (do another mission)
-Get the finished products to their destination
-Keep one of the finished products (a sweet torpedo launcher which allows items to conserve momentum when jettisoned)
Dec 29, 2006 moldyman link
Join the PCC. Then you can make your own mission trees.
Jan 02, 2007 Jim Kirk link
yes, but not our own items/rewards, here is the place for future mission trees possible when PCC is able to create cool weapons/upgrades/items.
Jan 02, 2007 Demonen link
Yeah, we need to be able to do more than one mission at a time.
Of course, that upsets the balance of some missions, but multiple missions at a time is always in the back of my mind when I sketch up missions.
Jan 07, 2007 Jim Kirk link
Yeah, it shouldn't be too hard to implement, just takes a little thought about mission1, mission2, mission3, etc. Preferably though I think there should be a max amt. of simultaneous missions (3).