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Improved Repair Module (Homing?)

Feb 22, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
So, the way I understand it, Repair Modules fire clouds of nano bots which perform in flight repairs. It'd be *really* nice if those guys could home a little (or alot). Theoretical arguments go that it's easy enough to hit someone in a dogfight who's not firing back at you, or that it's hard, or anywhere in between. Personally I have alot of trouble acting as a combat medic, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. There's no reason why those repair bots couldn't have some degree of smart homing, so pretty please? Can we have a improved repair module?
Feb 22, 2007 mr_spuck link
pfft! the rep gun is good enough!
Feb 22, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
What's yer man on VO? I'd like to see you use the Rep Gun in action. I must be missing something.
Feb 23, 2007 Zed1985 link
The repair gun is not good enough. It ought to be a beam (like the mining beam).

And with a range that would wary from 100-200m. At 100m it's efficiency would be 100% at 200 around 25% (and cut off beyond that to save energy).

The repair rate, energy drain, and "ammo limit" are up to balancing (and so is the distance really). But that's the only way I can see it really work.

Trying to repair even a Rag that's evading enemy fire is hard. Repairing a Vult is night impossible. Since if you can hit it with the repair gun it probably means he's about to get Neuted to death.
Feb 23, 2007 mr_spuck link
nah! the only thing that's really hard to repair are lights when they get shot at with rockets, the person sucks or both :P
Feb 23, 2007 bojansplash link
Spucky knows what he is talking about.
Bastid repaired my enemies during a dogfight with his repgun so many times I lost count.:P
Feb 23, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
Would there be balance issues if the Rep gun actually was improved? Maybe a less powerful, easier hitting Mk III variant for guys like meh? =(
Feb 26, 2007 Antz link
A mining-beam like repair gun would indeed work better.