Forums » Suggestions

Some suggestions...

Jun 14, 2007 fzuazo link
Here are some things I would like to see added into this already great game.....these are all small things to add flavor, color, or what ever you want to call it...

1) The institution of "contraband" equipment. Gear that is illegal to own in the game enviroment but that can be obtained through various methods.

2) "Police" units that will patrol monitored sectors that will "randomnly scan" for the gear mentioned in can run, fight, agree, or try to pay them off..these will also engage pirates and other hostiles in the area...nothing like jumping into a sector and seeing a small little skirmish that you can jump into.

3) NPC Skirmishes where the different factions clash with each other...examples:
-Serco NPCs wander to close to a UIT station..the strike force launches and they have a little skirmish
- Pirates try to jump through a wormhole with some "questionable cargo" and one of the other factions dispatches a group of fighters to intercept them.

4) Adding of background hailing of ships...just conversation between ships...anyone that has played Freelancer will know what I am talking about.

5)Allot more NPC presence and action...I mean I love going after bots, hives, pirates and other NPCs but I would love to fly into on-going dog fights.

I know these may sound stupid but ..hey they are my opinions to lay off! j/k =D

I will post anything else I come up with while I am at work trying to look busy.
Jun 14, 2007 SilentWave link
This could be easily done through writing a mission.

So go ahead and write it. Sign up for the Player Contribution Corps (PCC).
Jun 14, 2007 fzuazo link
Oh wow, that is great.

I wasn't refering to a specific mission or a mission tree but none the less I will apply and put in my 2cr.

Thanks a bunch.