Forums » Suggestions

"Weighted" score

Jul 30, 2003 Buckaroo link
How about the following idea:

Instead of getting the same score/money for kill regardless of the weapon you use, there should be some weight factor - depending on the weapon combo you are using.

"Cheap tactics" weapons like mines or avalons would give you much less score than weapons which require much more skills to use (like railgun, charged cannon). The ships should be also be taken into equation - killing a bus in a valk should give you practically nothing, on the other hand, killing a valk in a bus would give you a huge amount of score.

For example: killing bots/players by mines would give you only 1/10 of the possible score, using gravitons would give you full score, using railguns would give you 5 times the score. The highest score would give you using a standard bus and killing a tri-flare valk :-)

That would be hell to balance out, but on the other hand, score would really become and indicator of skill...

Mark (Commander Jameson)
Jul 30, 2003 The Kid link
5x with rails? oooo.
but what if you use 2 types of weapons? 3? 4?
Jul 30, 2003 Buckaroo link
The Kid: well, this should depend on the weapons type, etc. - the basic idea is a kind of judgement system, evaluating your weapon config and the opponent's one. This could lead (if truly balanced) unfortunately to quite a complex formula, on the other side it would propagate diversity and would discourage cheap tactics, like station nuking.

Oh - and a sidenote: issueing should have a much larger penalty than right now - something like 10% of your score and money should be gone. This wouldn't hurt newbies with a low score/money who issue a lot but would hurt experienced players.

Mark (Commander Jameson)
Jul 30, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
/me has an idea to add to the pile.

Each weapon adds score to your score, but gives you xyz more score for killing something and xyz more score for being killed.

xyz can be negative.
Jul 30, 2003 Eldrad link
I agree with you about the issuing... but it really shouldn't be implemented until the vult no longer explodes half the time when it touches anything.
Jul 30, 2003 Craigus Meridius link

I understand Sui!!

so if xyz = Each weapon adds score to your score, but give you xyz more score for killing something and xyz more score for being killed.

and xyz can be negative.......

Then xyz's score would be the reult of Each weapon adds score to your score, but give you xyz more score for killing something and xyz more score for being killed.

Gotcha !!

Jul 31, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
10% of 3000000 is 300000, it would take (300000/350=) 857 bots with a 350 bounty.

That's quite a bit for a mistake.
Jul 30, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Bus would have a +10 score for killing stuf but a -10 score for being killed.
The free weapon would have a +10 score for killing stuff but a -10 score for being killed

(+10 to the owner if he kills something, -10 to the killer if he kills the person with those weapons.)
Jul 30, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Good idea on the issuing Mark.

But i really would like to see the issuing just dissapear, and if it still existed making an issue = playerkill/botkill by the last player hitting you or awarding it to the player that did the most damage to you, naturally these values will be reset when you dock and press the repairbutton ;)

In my opinion most people just do an issue so you cant say that you killed him. Its more something to avoid a pk and to antagonise the other player.

Jul 30, 2003 Sage link
I agree about the issuing. But I would like there to be a tradeoff for it. If I do /explode I want my ship to make a big explosion. And I mean REALLY BIG. Enough to kill whoever scared me into /exploding in the first place if they get too close. He he, it would sure make the rocket rammers think twice before they assault a n00b. Just teach the n00b to /explode and he can trade in relative safetly. And better yet, the size of the engine affects the size of the explosion, so a heavy would be like an avalon and a free engine would be like 4 or 5 sunflares.

But I'm not so sure about configs affecting your score. If the game were balanced there wouldn't be such a drastic difference between configs. Now I'm not saying a bus should be able to take down a Valk, but the numerical value of that advantage is really not worth calculating.
I think a simpler solution would be more elegant.
P/K's should obviously be worth more than botkills, but we can take it a step further. Make the score given to you by a kill dependant on the bounty of the victim. Right now bounty hunting is pretty worthless since it yields next to no money, but if they set it up so that you could only lose your bounty if you were killed by a player (no issuing or sacraficing yourself to bots) and made the score gained by a kill relative to the bounty of the person you killed I think we would have a nice system going. Trading should also give you points somehow. If someone could come up with a model to earn points based on profit made from selling goods (maybe set it versus maximum profit possible for the goods being sold) or some other such complex systems it would not only encourage trade but give people a better idea of how much experience everyone has. Unfortunately I can't think of any more simple or elegant way to score trading.

Capping should also boost your score. You get some points for picking up a flag, and whoever brings the flag home gets a bunch.
Jul 31, 2003 vx link
Wait, does that make sense? 10 percent of score *and* money just for running into a rock while trying to dodge in a fight? I mean, it's something you have to watch out for, but you already lose your ship for it.

What's so bad about issuing that we'd want to have such a large penalty for it? It's usually a mistake, anyway.
Jul 31, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
10% = icky

Lets say I work hard to get 20 million, at say, 200k a trade run, and I accidently slam into a roid.

that sets me back 20000000*.10/200000 = 10 trade runs.

Trade runs take awhile to do.
Jul 31, 2003 Rabid Panda link
Seems the easiest way to to fix people from issuing is to just make the ships ungodly expensive, or have different grades of each ship, not just classes IE Shit-tasic Vult, Good Vult, Excellent Vult and vary the price between the ships to make it so that players can gradually climb up the money tree up to a big transport ship or a heavy loaded gunship.
Jul 31, 2003 vx link
Also, scatter the various weapons, components and ships, so it's harder to just rebuild your favourite ship so easily, unless you've stocked up on the parts you'll need. I'm fairly sure that'll eventually happen anyway, as it's easy and makes the game more interesting.
Jul 31, 2003 Eldrad link
I'd like to see a distinction between running into a roid/"/exploding" versus killing yourself in the explosion of your own weapon. The first two shouldn't have big penalties but the last should. Also busses shouldn't be able to /explode for large amounts of damage, there are already enough busses that try to get close and /explode even though they do around 1k.
Jul 31, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
maybe you are right about the money sui, and maybe 1 % will be more then adequate, or maybe even better non at all.

But there should be a decline in score by 10% everytime you do issue.

VX: /explode is lately bounded to a certain key quickly pressable when they see that they are losing and just start rocketspamming "valid tactic I know, but pretty annoying" especially when they are at rammingdistance. and when they used all their rockets they press that conveniently positioned key to :

1) annoy people by taking away their PK "note: it should be possible to suicide later on, but you need to sacrifice something for it "x small port(s), x large port(s), x hull or ..."". It would then at least be +- fair.

2) attain a xxxx1 destroyed xxxx2, and seeing xxxx1 isued . Boasting that xxxx2 wasnt able to kill xxx1 seeing that xxxx1 issued.

3) used to attain certain sectors without needing to do a little effort of attaining them, so you can get to a certain secret sector faster then your opponent. For instance, you see somebody warping into 17 from 11, and the person pirates you. you kill him and head towards 18. and in a matter of seconds he is back with you and has killed you. "you didnt expect him back so fast, or were fighting of vicious bots and almost out of ammo (maybe bneough to kill 1 -2 wings) but not 1 pirate"

Jul 31, 2003 Rabid Panda link
well /explode is only around so you can force restart your character. Not a final gameplay option, and this is a suggestions forum for things that will be used in the final product, not the Vendetta Test.
Aug 01, 2003 Sage link
I think a self-destruct option should be included in the final game. Hit /explode, 5 second timer comes up and goes KABOOM! when it it gets to 0.
Aug 01, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
pavan, yes you are right, but as I suggested, in my opinion for that kind of gadget you need to sacrifice something, maybe some hull, maybe a weaponsport maybe something else. I dont know, I just find it fitting that if yu have that advantage, that you will get a disadvantage on another subject

Aug 01, 2003 Sage link
Well I would think the disadvantage would be losing your ship, whatever cargo you are carrying, and whatever other penalties are instituted for dying. Add to that the fact that a sunflare volley can kill you before any 5 second timer runs out and it really isn't as powerful a weapon as it seems.