Forums » Suggestions

Naming the Planets.

Aug 12, 2003 Sage link
I decided it's kind of bland referring to all the planets by the sectors they are in, so we are now going to give them temporary pet-names until the Devs come up with a more filled out story. That is, if we want to.

So put up your suggestions for names here. Tomorrow or the day after I will cruise around the galaxy and try to figure out for sure which planets are identical in different sectors. Unless someone here has already figured it out.

Some names that were suggested:

A few rules for the sake of limiting the cheeze factor. No naming planets after well known planets in movies or TV shows. Thus no Alderaans, Vulcans, Corelias, or Klingons. Try to keep the names semi-serious and keep with the tone of the game. They are only pet-names until the story gets fleshed out, but I feel like it would also be good if we used this opportunity to enhance the RPG aspects of the game. So you can call the planet in S7 and s14 planet Bob if you like, but think about what it does to the RPGness of the game if you do so.
Aug 12, 2003 Celkan link
/me digs thru SF's board. BRB... we already did this...

EDIT: Here ya go.

Sector 1: Arranias (planet)
Sector 2: Prometheus (planet)
Sector 3: Verasai (planet)
Sector 4: Itani Outpost Alpha (station)
Sector 5: Ceon 3 (Tactarus) (planet)
Sector 6: Unnamed
Sector 7: Saturnine (planet/station)
Sector 8: Inlon Ice Field (environs)
Sector 9: Earthly Summers HQ (station)
Sector 10: Abandoned Mining Sector (sector. DUH)
Sector 11: Ceres (sector, think of the station)
Sector 12: Serco Outpost Alpha (station)
Sector 13: Ferrix Asteroid Belt (environs)
Sector 14: Chanut'anam Comet (ice sphere around station)
Sector 15: No Bases Here (Station, referring to the acid widgets)
Sector 16: Fur'ios (enemies)
Sector 17: Tw'man'ik'nel (planet, specifically of the Furies)
Sector 18: Oth'pek'nios (planet, specifically of the Furies)

Note: sectors 8 and up, the names were pulled out of MY ass in particular...

Sector 0: The Twilight Zone (the skybox... duh!)
Aug 12, 2003 Phaserlight link
Celkan, not all of those look like planet names to me. Are you perhaps referring to *sector* names? I would find it odd if the gas giant in sector 14 was named "Chanut'anam Comet" or the class M planet in sector 9 was named "Earthly Summers HQ." If you read the topic of this thread carefully you'll note that Pavan Jagular was suggesting we name the planets.

Aug 12, 2003 Arolte link
I'll leave it to the devs to cover the history behind the planets. Same with races. I can't wait to see how each race will look like. Ohhhh, the suspense...

/me hopes The Neutral Territories will have badass looking mercenaries
/me hopes the Serco will have some alien-human hybrid look to 'em
/me hopes the Itani will be a more generic human military-style nation
Aug 13, 2003 andreas link
Wouldn't it be nice if you can name a planet if you discover it first in the universe. I mean this should apply mostly to the randomly generated massive amount of planets "further out". This would encourage people to explore the universe :-).
Aug 13, 2003 Celebrim link
Celestial bodies in the solar system other than asteriods must generally be named after a character from myth or fiction. In general, the fiction must be of such renown that it has reached the level of myth - for instance, the moons of Uranus are named after Shakespearean characters. Asteroids are named after thier discoverers, or in some cases by thier discoverers though the majority of major discoveries hold to the convention.

I feel these convention should hold throughout space.

For example, one system might be named after characters from Tolkien's cosmology, and another from characters of Shinto mythology, and so forth.
Aug 13, 2003 furball link
I still think at least ONE planet needs to be called either Bob or Freddie.
Aug 13, 2003 Arolte link
Hmmm... well there's a problem with that. For one there are aliens and maybe even a whole sentient race of AI beings in the Vendetta universe. Don't you think they'd come up with their own names? Let's also consider the fact that the original "Earth" explorers split up into three groups, which now make up the three difference races. What'll guarantee that the name of a Serco planet will be consistent with the name that the Itanis and Neutrals gave that very same planet? "Uhhh, excuse me, I know we're enemies and all but I'd like to know the name of your planet and its surrounding moons." Aw heck, how do we even know all the nations speak the same language?

There are also billions of galaxies in the universe, so you're eventually gonna run outta names if you're gonna use the same scheme that Celebrim suggests. In fact right now I think some stars are now being labeled by a series of letters and numbers instead of mythical heroes and whatnot. Anyway, back to the game, seeing as how you really can't reach any of those planets I really don't see what the big deal is. I'd be more concerned about the names of stations than the names of planets. At the very least it looks like the devs have already named some of the stations, even if they are simply placeholders.

And while the devs will probably try to put layered skybox textures to allow for dynamic backgrounds for each of the hundred or thousand some planned sectors, I think that once you play long enough you'll really be able to pick out the same planets over and over throughout the entire Vendetta universe, despite the fact that you'd clearly be at totally different locations. Unless of course they make the backgrounds even more complicated by rotating the textures and maybe even scaling it up/down and put it through some colored lighting/filters. What I think would be cool though is to have five or so wormholes located around an orbital path of the same planet at varying distances. Maybe even get close enough to be within the actual atmosphere, but still far enough not to be able to reach its surface.

/me drools at the thought of dogfighting in a Mars-like red atmosphere, rather than looking at stars over and over and over...

Damn, I went off topic again didn't I.

Aug 13, 2003 Rabid Panda link
Stop logging the IRC channels and stealing our ideas you jerks.
Aug 13, 2003 Celebrim link
"Hmmm... well there's a problem with that. For one there are aliens..."

Do we actually know that an alien race is part of the official backstory? The fury was only added into the game at the last moment. It's art had been, and presumably still is, rejected from the final game. The 'aliens' in the current game may be only coincidental.

In any event, you make a good point in that each independent race is going to have its own language and naming conventions. All that is required thier is that the invented language be consistent phonetically, and even a badly designed 'language' is likely to be unnoticed by the average gamer.

"...maybe even a whole sentient race of AI beings..."

That's another conclusion that I'm not sure isn't based on transient aspects of the game.

"Let's also consider the fact that the original "Earth" explorers split up into three groups, which now make up the three difference races. What'll guarantee that the name of a Serco planet will be consistent with the name that the Itanis and Neutrals gave that very same planet?"

Nothing, and in fact its very likely, but if the world builders become detailed enough that they take such things into consideration, I'm likely to have little problems with whatever choices they make.

"Uhhh, excuse me, I know we're enemies and all..."

And another assumption about the final game based off current transient gameplay. And it would be highly unusual for even enemies to not know each others language in great detail for purposes of diplomacy, espionage, and knowing how to tell your enemy 'Up yours!' in his native tongue.

"There are also billions of galaxies in the universe, so you're eventually gonna run outta names if you're gonna use the same scheme that Celebrim suggests."

There are also billions of stars in the galaxies, but I suggest that indeed we will not run out of names. By the time we get there and desire to use something other than a numeric designation for the star and its worlds, the culture of the human race will have grown to accomodate the need for new sets of names.

Most stars are named according to numeric schemes. The only stars with names are those for which people need names - bright stars which are visible to Earth. Most of these are at least in European culture called according to thier Arabic names - which is another good convention to follow when naming new stars - especially those stars in systems without habitable worlds.

But in a larger sense you do raise another good point, in that presumably several thousand years have passed between now and the Vendetta universe. This gives plenty of time for new cultural conventions to arise. Any world builder that carefully thinks out what these new cultural conventions might be is unlikely to disappoint me when he stars naming new stars. For myself, I imagine after a thousand years or so we are likely to start running out of good Arabic star names or evocative star names based on popular literature. I think Chinese astronomy would offer a good sourse of star names - especially for systems without inhabitable worlds. Then again, Chinese ascendancy might occur early enough that the Arabic and Latin names of nearby stars fall out of favor.

"I'd be more concerned about the names of stations than the names of planets."

Stations tend to be named for political reasons as much as any other, but the convention NASA follows when its allowed to is to name stations after writers of literature - especially Science Fiction literature. This is a good tradition even in a video game since it pays homage to your inspirations. Of course, everything that applies about conventions changing over time applies doubly here, and its reasonable to assume that eventually stations will be named in the same ecletic way that people choose names for thier cities. I wonder what the station equivalent of -burg, -ville, and other 'city' type suffixes might be?

Aug 13, 2003 Phaserlight link
Celebrim: I think your conventions for naming stars, planets, and stations are great! Where did you learn all that anyway?

However, until there is some sort of gameplay necessity for naming planets, I don't think there is much of a point in picking out names. Sure, it's fun and it lends some depth to the world of Vendetta, (As a geophysics major, I myself have been guilty of trying to map out the continents on several of the planets and from there coming up with ocean currents, consequent weather patterns, biomes, biogeographical barriers, and ecosystems) but you just know it's going to be one of those things where people remember the names for a week and then everyone forgets about it. Unless the planets are somehow involved with missions, or unless we are able to target/communicate with them, it would be very hard to get any sort of convention going.

Arolte: ....Mmmmmm :)~ or what about a sector in the upper atmosphere of a gas giant with a large station ala "Cloud City" ;).
Aug 13, 2003 Celkan link
Celebrim: It's Furie. ^_^

Edit: I'll make a note as to what the name is referring to in the sector/planet list name list.

Edit II: Done.
Aug 13, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
You all have it wrong!(Even though I just read the title and pressed the reply button :P)

The planet in sector 7 isnt a planet! Its the all Encompassing Egg Queen!!!

and as soon ass I get to my real comp back home and not this carp TV/internet thingy here in DC I will give you the ful legend of the Egg Queen P
Aug 15, 2003 Celkan link
SHUT UP Steve... we don't need to hear from useless spammers like you. Yes, I said useless.
Aug 17, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
I know Im useless...but Spammer? Pleeeease :P

oh ya, Im back from DC, will have the story for ya *soon* :P

/me goes to Flood Verd's Inbox... :P