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A totally different take on ships...

Aug 30, 2003 Arolte link

Since Humpy is repeating himself for the thousandth time I figured I would too.

Bombers NEED defensive weapons. They should be able to hold their own against fighters. Not necessarily be a fighter killer, but rather something that would keep the fighters far away from them. Unfortunately the current weapons still need balancing/tweaking, which is the main reason why you're still a bit skeptical.

There, I've repeated myself yet again. Let's see if it'll have some sort of impact... which I doubt. Oh well.

Aug 30, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Humpy, a little list of the ships flown a lot:

Free ship "EC - 88, or bus"
rag : for specific things, mostly nuking stations or defending flags. But if people want to stay a little agile and still nuke, then they will take the warthog.

The rest of the ships are pretty much not flown.

prom : only by a couple of people and Im one of them
wraith: if im out of proms, some select group uses it to. Not many though
hornet: only arolte or blaster flies them, mostly out of 3.1 fever :D
centaur: newbies thinking that it is better to have 2 more cargo and take the big manouvrability hit
ragnarok: Never seen it flown just to fly around

PS: scuba, I dont expect it to go toe to toe, but I really dont expect it when a fighter meets a heavy bomber type ship that a fighter will leave unharmed. besides, the real bombers are the frigates, the bombers now are semi fighter - bomber hybrids :D. So to say it in short, I expect to be able to take out a fighter ship in my heavy if im lucky or by outhulling them and they are being a lousy shot.

I dont expect the heavy ship to win guaranteed, but it wouls still have a chance to kill its agressor.

Aug 31, 2003 Arolte link
Hehe, 3.1 fever is right. That was back when the Hornet was actually useful.


At least it still looks sexy. As much as I can hope, I doubt that design will remain as Waylon works on the new ship art. But maybe cooler looking ships are in the works. Damn, I wish they'd release teasers on the new ship designs. That is if Waylon even started working on them.