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Ship designs

Oct 22, 2003 fenix link
I'm thinking that something like this could be in the future, perhaps a few random people could be chosen to comprise a race that was nearly destroyed by the Furies, and they cannot replace their ships. These ships would be incredibly powerful, but the players would be required to stay in-character, on condition that they lose the ship.

I'd like to see a few more alien races, some hostile, some not, some indifferent.

As for each nation having a biological ship, i don't think that would be a good idea. I'd like to see a lot more than the human race vs. the Furies, and I think that organic-comprised ships couldnt fit in the Human storyline.

What I'd REALLY like to see, is a huge universe, one that doesnt take under 3 minutes to get from one side to the next. Having to explore for "that little mining station along the outer rim" that your buddy told you about would be my kind of thing, throw in a few hostile aliens that force you to take along a few allies, and you've got the kind of game Guild's trying to make here, instead of the multi-sector deathmatch and Ultra-CTF that is Vendetta now.
Oct 22, 2003 Arolte link
Maybe one of the roles that can be assigned to the final game would be espionage and recon. The more intelligence you gather and successfully bring back to your home nation, the better technologies you'll get for your nation. And that would include knowledge of how to operate mysterious vessels, be it alien or whatever.
Oct 23, 2003 Skyfox link
Or maybe make the Aliens another nation? Course, then, people with furies would dominate everyone else...
Oct 22, 2003 fenix link
I'd like to see some organic style ships in the future...

Here's the best picture I could find of my fav, unfortunately it's deformed and not at the right angle....

(Talyn from Farscape, for those who care)
Oct 22, 2003 toshiro link
/me whaks fenix: you're dragon-obsessed! go fly a rebel dragon! and as soon as you get triphammers, you'll scoff at CPLs.
sorry, offtopic.

ok, on the ship: it would be cool. question is: which nation to give it to? or make it an alien craft (fury mothership)?
Oct 22, 2003 Arolte link
Furies are cool. But they're not player controllable.

Oct 22, 2003 lunitary link
Cool it:)
You can make three organic ships which will be the special ships for each nation...
/me want's to fly a volron fighter! (babylon5)
Oct 22, 2003 Arolte link
I think it would be cooler if some of the hidden sectors had alien races with organic bases (like bee hives) where you can dock and steal an alien ship. In other words they shouldn't be readily available to all nations, because that kind of interferes with the storyline and makes it nonsensical.
Oct 22, 2003 Magus link
How would a mechanical ship dock inside a beehive? And how would a human pilot fly an alien ship?

I would like it a lot more if the organic uber-ships were unplayable. Just AI bots. It can weave very well into the story and it will give the AI ships a level of distinction and possibly even inspire some fear in people who first come accross them. Sort of like the reason the Burning Legion wasn't playable in WCIII. Blizzard wanted to make them seem awesome and monolithic. Having to balance them out against the normal races would have taken away from that.
Oct 22, 2003 Arolte link
The term "organic" is only used to describe the outer hull of the ship. The ships don't control themselves. It's not as if they're ambient lifeforms in space that shoot at you by their own free will. It's simply a common theme to assume that alien civilizations would utilize their environment and its living forms to create the outer hull of a spaceship via living tissue etc.

In theory it's practical and all, since we would assume that living tissue has the ability to repair itself (self-repairing hull). But that's as far as it goes. Assuming aliens are humanoid figures with the same type of limbs etc., it would be safe to assume that such organic ships would in fact be flyable by humans.
Oct 22, 2003 roguelazer link
How do we know? Can we be making any assumptions here? Do we know the storyline? Maybe organic ships really are a race of space-going lifeforms previously known as Space Cows which have decided to turn hostile. :)
Oct 22, 2003 Magus link
I wasn't referring to the ship having intelligence. I was thinking about the interface differences between an organic ship and a normal one. Not to mention tha language barrier in learning to operate one.