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Remove repair from neutral stations.

Oct 24, 2003 SirCamps link
Valk jocks? They're non-existent now. It's vult jocks with gauss. They're impossible to hit, and it's nearly always 1v1 because people don't like helping others (or if they do, they "help" the wrong person). When the Vulture gets damaged, they run to the base, outdistancing nearly every ship (except for the Cent and Valk, the Cent which can't do the damage, and the Valk which is rare).
Oct 24, 2003 Arolte link
Valk jocks still exist. Sunflares are better now, but not 100% fixed. The speed of 'em can maybe be increased and the proximity of them can be decreased. But the point is, there are still rocket rammers who continue to ram away and kill a lot. Gauss is another problem in and of itself. Okay, that's enough off-topicedness from me...

/me runs away before the FM shows up
Oct 24, 2003 Urza link
how about no repairing of special ships outside of nation sectors?
Oct 24, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Or not so good repairs on the more complex ships, like the specials.
Oct 24, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
sui that is a good idea :D

special ships: repaired to 100% in nation home sectors and black market. Outside these to 70 - 75% of the total hp.

non specials: repaired to 100% in nation home sectors and neutral sectors within 1 - 2 hops away from the home sector.
But only 90 - 95% if further

Oct 24, 2003 Urza link
Pretty good, i like! and the price would be upped, because the ships are special
Oct 22, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
Now I know it sounds crazy but it will speed up gameplay and make home sectors worth homing in.
Oct 22, 2003 fenix link
That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard.
Oct 22, 2003 Forum Moderator link
I'm sure fenix MEANT to provide an intelligent discourse regarding why he thinks your course of action would be contraindicated.
Oct 22, 2003 Pyro link
How would that speed up gameplay? I forsee lots of people having to travel to and from home sectors a lot, making things slower...
Oct 22, 2003 SirCamps link
I say specialized weapons (i.e. certain ammo and weapons) only be available in home sectors.
Oct 22, 2003 Pyro link
That would be good... As if there was a ban on exports or something, or if it were a restricted weapon...
Oct 22, 2003 Arolte link
It sounds good now, but when there are thousands of sectors in the game I'd rather not travel from one end of the universe to the other to repair and then return back. That would be tedious.


Another thing to consider is supply ships. Docking with a supply ship would enable you to purchase a limited amount of ammo and repair units. The supply ship itself would then need to dock to a station to stock up on ammo and repair kits, as cargo of course. Communication between supply ships pilots and teammates would be crucial, since bringing the wrong type of ammo to a battle would be devastating. Also, supply ships could go BOOOOOM!!! when they die. Hehe.
Oct 23, 2003 The Kid link
actually, a good idea, but I like mine more
if you make repairs more expensive. ships too. home sectors should get cheaper ships because:
1. more demand - mass buying - better deals
2. no need to paint color
so umm... really, make repairs cost 100credits per 1000 and make ships 30% more in neutral stations.
of course, this is just ideas.
Home sectors possibly get 50 credits per 2000 hull, skilled worker and "working for the nation"
Oct 23, 2003 the flying banana link
supply ships
financial advanteges in homesectors.
I love it
Oct 23, 2003 Skyfox link
Supply ships would RULE!!!! Dude, that would provide so much oportunity for fun gameplay, they could be huge cap ships, that have to be defended or else you Lose. Imagine, sector 9, an intani a serico and a neutral supply ship, each spaced out round the station. It would become a massive game of destroy the flag, each nation trying hard to protect their own supply ship while destroying the enemy supply ship.
Oct 23, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
Look, it was late and I was really tired so I didn't think it through. I just don't like this attack, repair, attack, repair, attack attitude that most people are employing lately it is especially annoying with valk jockeys. I simply want to see some consquences so people can't do attack/repair in the same ship forever.

Removing repair entirely seems a little too extreme in my semi-rested eyes so how about making repair more expensive which would fit in nicely with the new dynamic economy or we could have a repair time so if your ship is xxxx damaged it would take xxxx minutes to repair you could still buy a new ship and go fly around while your ship was being repaired.
Oct 30, 2003 Smurfy link
/me peers up to the idea of ships taking a time to repair based on the amount they are damaged... laughs...

Just think, then we can have the... "Loaner" ship... doors falling off.. broken window.. bad paint job.. engine that quits randomly... lol Wouldnt that be funny?
Oct 31, 2003 ctishman link
Yeah, until you got 5m out of port, the door fell off, and you died.