Forums » Suggestions


Oct 29, 2003 ctishman link
Explanation: Variables can be inserted into a chat or binds, and will be replaced by the requested type of information at execution.

-=General Variables=-
<!me> inserts your name into the chat line

<!group> inserts your guild affiliation into the chat line.

<!nation> inserts your national affiliation into the chat line

<!ship> inserts your ship type.

<!ship_name> inserts your ship's name (when that is implemented).

<!weapon1> inserts the name of the currently selected primary weapon.

<!weapon2> inserts the name of the currently selected secondary weapon.

<!weapon3> inserts the name of the currently selected tertriary weapon.

-=Environmental variables=-
<!time> inserts the current time in GMT into chat.

<!date> inserts the current date into chat.

<!location> inserts the current sector's name and affiliation into chat.

<!landmark> inserts name of the closest landmark (warp-gate, station or other designated landmark)

<!hostiles> inserts the number of hostile PCs and their national affiliation in the sector into chat.

<!friendlies> inserts the number of friendly PCs in the sector into chat.

<!onme> inserts the number of hostile PCs or NPCs and their affiliations within 1500m who are targeting the player. DOES NOT print the names of these players.

-=Target-Specific variables=-
<!target> inserts the name of the currently targeted player.

<!target_nation> inserts the currently targeted player's nation.

<!target_ship> inserts the name and type of the currently targeted player's ship.

-=Examples of usage=-

First, the obvious one:

/team Request assistance in <!location> near <!landmark>. I've got <!onme> on my jets. Dropping <!weapon3>s all over the place, but they don't seem to be helping. Any units in <!location>, please assist!

And some others:


/team <!me> reporting in. It's <!time> on <!date>, and I'm in <!location>. Report <!hostiles> and <!friendlies>. <!me> out.


/msg <!target> Yo Ho Ho!, <!target>! I'm the Dread Pirate <!me>, and I've got a <!weapon1> and dual <!weapon2>s pointed right at ye'r cowardly hull! Drop yer cargo and yer pants if ye wish te see your <!target_nation> friends ever again!

/msg <!target> Ahoy there! My <!ship> packs a <!weapon1> and two <!weapon2>s, and a crate of <!weapon3>s. My rates are reasonable and my skills will be evident in battle. For your sake I hope I'm on your payroll and not theirs.

/say <!target> and I are duelling. Please clear the area and take cover. Thanks. Bets may be placed at <!landmark>.

/team <!group> members, this is <!me>. Assemble at <!landmark> and prepare to jump on my mark.

/echo Nearest object is <!landmark>. <!onme> on me of <!hostiles> in sector.
Oct 29, 2003 fenix link
that would be awesome..
Oct 29, 2003 toshiro link
yeah. we need that. that and the selectable chat "channels" (2 or more people).
then coordinating organized attacks/ retreats/ w/e will become real fun and also more appreciated.
Oct 29, 2003 Durgia link
that would be very very very convieniant. Someday I hope we can do that.

and a /talk channel2 would also be nice
Oct 29, 2003 roguelazer link
I want channels really bad. Right now, multinational caps are about impossible.
Oct 29, 2003 a1k0n link
I want that too. Blah blah, new server, something something, soon.
Oct 29, 2003 Pyro link
How about an In Progress update? :P
Oct 29, 2003 ctishman link
Blah Blah Paypal yadda yadda $5 bucks per command.
Oct 29, 2003 Pyro link
Oct 30, 2003 roguelazer link
If you guys accepted cheques I might be able to help ya out...

EDIT: Hmmm... Apparently you do now... I suppose I'll go look into that then.