Forums » Suggestions

Make game data on the website available within the plugin sandbox

Aug 06, 2015 abortretryfail link
We used to be able to get to this stuff by scraping it off the website from in-game code. That's no longer an option since the website is SSL-only.

It would be great if this could be queried directly from the game.

The current state of CtC: including player lists. This is helpful in organizing players and identifying enemies and allies fighting for either side.

The current state of Deneb: including player lists. Same reasoning as CtC. At the moment, we can only compute the current score from in-game using GetConqueredSectorsInSystem() and GetConqueredStatus().

Duel Ladder and{charid}/

Race Stats - This is available in-game in a very limited form. It pops a HUD secondary message up when you jump in, and that's the only access you get to see what the current race times are.

Guild rosters: Right now if you want to see what guild someone is in, you can do it with GetGuildTag(charid). That only works if the player is right in front of you. If, for example, you need to give a station key to everyone in a guild, the key system offers no way to do this directly and the means we had to do it indirectly from the website is now gone.

I'll elaborate with examples in following posts.
Aug 06, 2015 abortretryfail link
Here's one example of how the CtC stuff could work:

declare("GameStats", {})

function GameStats:Refresh()
-- Magical dev code!
-- Populates the tables below

GameStats.CtC = {
["Deliveries"] = {
{["Nation"] = "Itani", ["Itani"] = 13, ["UIT"] = 6, ["Convoy"] = 704},
{["Nation"] = "Serco", ["Serco"] = 26, ["UIT"] = 0, ["Convoy"] = 566}
["Cargo"] = {
{["Nation"] = "Itani", ["Itani"] = 704, ["Serco"] = 19, ["Surplus"] = 0, ["Total"] = 723},
{["Nation"] = "Serco", ["Itani"] = 18, ["Serco"] = 574, ["Surplus"] = 329, ["Total"] = 921}
["Participants"] = { -- Index on character name or maybe charid?
["The CatMan"] = {["Nation"] = "Itani", ["Kills"] = 2, ["Kill Assists"] = 1, ["Cargo Assists"] = 0,
["Deliveries"] = {{0, 7}, {0, 0}} }, -- Delivered 7cu of Serco Xithricite to the Itani.
["RudeBoy"] = {["Nation"] = "Serco", ["Kills"] = 1, ["Kill Assists"] = 0, ["Cargo Assists"] = 0,
["Deliveries"] = {{0, 0}, {12, 0}} }, -- Delivered 12cu of Itani Xithricite to the Serco.
["baxterthecrafter2.0"] = {["Nation"] = "UIT", ["Kills"] = 1, ["Kill Assists"] = 0, ["Cargo Assists"] = 0,
["Deliveries"] = {{0, 6}, {0, 0}} }, -- Delivered 6cu of Serco Xithricite to the Itani.
Aug 06, 2015 Pizzasgood link
Aug 26, 2015 abortretryfail link
*tap tap tap*

Is this thing on?
Aug 26, 2015 ore1 link
-1 To anything that takes away dev time from the important matters.
Aug 26, 2015 Kierky link
+1 stfu ore. This wouldn't even be hard
Aug 27, 2015 RoboticMechanicalJeb link
Aug 27, 2015 Inevitable link
Everything is on the webpage. You guys need to quit being lazy just click on the link that says Deneb/Duel Ladder/Cargo captures
Aug 27, 2015 Pizzasgood link
We shouldn't have to venture outside the game itself to find out this information. This stuff should not only be exposed to the Lua API, it should also be displayed in-game somewhere. And the first step in making it available in-game is to make it available via Lua, since that's what the interface is actually written in.
Sep 28, 2015 abortretryfail link
Soooo yeah, is this a thing that could happen?
Sep 30, 2015 csgno1 link
Oct 01, 2015 Death Fluffy link
+1 I may be wrong, but this seems like something that could be done fairly easily. I'd like to see this kind of information added to the PDA, but giving players access so that they can create plugins that provide the data is the better choice atm.
Oct 01, 2015 Kierky link
+1 to lua API tables.

+1 to making it available in Your PDA -> Comm
Oct 02, 2015 Ore link
Oct 02, 2015 yodaofborg link
Oct 02, 2015 greenwall link
+1 if it could be implemented on a path as rin suggested (destined for in game display, but made available first via lua if that is part of that path).

Situational awareness of course is key -- all the various contests ARF mentioned would see more activity if people could check the current status in game. More things for people to do translates to higher player retention.
Jan 12, 2016 abortretryfail link
So, is this a thing that's going to happen?
Jan 12, 2016 lazypc link
Jan 14, 2016 Michael144 link