Forums » Suggestions

Implement suggestions that greenwall opposes...really.

Apr 01, 2016 TheRedSpy link
We have seen a BLATANT AND consistent pattern of opposition by Greenwall for suggestions which are beneficial to gameplay, increase player enjoyment, and resolve defects in game mechanics which are either the result of faulty design or bugs.

Given this OBVIOUS historic trend, we can streamline the suggestion process by implementing player-supported suggestions which Greenwall is in opposition to.

This suggestion UNEQUIVOCALLY will reduce developer overhead and eliminate the need to parse pages of RETARDEDLY illogical rebuttals to legitimate suggestions. It will also decrease player frustration by eliminating the need to respond to THE ABSOLUTELY MORONIC aforementioned nonsensical rebuttals so players can instead focus on debating the legitimate merits of ACTUAL suggestions THAT MATTER.

Apr 01, 2016 Pizzasgood link
-1. Greenwall isn't as smart as he thinks he is, but he's not stupid either. He's been able to continue his rampant bullying in ways that never technically violate the rules of the forum, after all. This suggestion will not mitigate that. At best, it would just result in him using different alts and such to make his arguments, via Tor if necessary. In the end, rather than improving productivity, it would result in frivolous support tickets about suspected Greenwall alts.

A better (but harder) solution is to find ways to define the sort of manipulative assholery he does and add that sort of thing to the list of forbidden behaviors so that he (and anybody else employing those tactics, alt or otherwise) can be prosecuted instead of hiding behind the "Be Nice" policy any time somebody tries to call him out.
Apr 01, 2016 Tripod war of the worlds link
how does a wall fly in a ship raar.

Apr 01, 2016 biretak link
Well, both savet and greenwall were going at it. Either one of them could have just stopped responding to the other since it's the suggestion forum and they each had their say. The point of the suggestion forum is not to try to convince someone their opinion is wrong or yours is right, just to have your say. Instead of locking the thread, whistler could have just silenced the two of them in the thread.
Apr 01, 2016 Phaserlight link
We don't debate individuals here, and for that I'm grateful.


"If you are engaging in a vigorous debate about a passionate subject, then debate the subject on its own merits, and not the other individual."
Apr 01, 2016 Whistler link
" Instead of locking the thread, whistler could have just silenced the two of them in the thread."

The thread was about attacking the individual, so any on-topic post would not be appropriate for the Suggestions forum unless it was to tell them to stop. I felt I covered that.
Apr 01, 2016 incarnate link

This has been bumped to me by Whistler, who recently did his best to handle another (related) inappropriate Suggestions post.

TRS, this kind of behaviour is not welcome here, and you know that, and you did it anyway (in addition to the previously linked thread that already raised this and was locked), and now you've asked to be banned.

Very well, we agree that your banning suggestion is the appropriate response. So you are now muted from Suggestions for a week.

If you circumvent this with alts, that will result in a rapid escalation of negative response.

None of us are big fans of being authoritarian, but it's been a struggle to keep these forums civil in the last year, so we set up a fairly easy set of rules to which everyone needs to adhere. If you can't adhere to them, you don't belong here.