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Corvus Manufacturing Limit

May 22, 2016 Dr. Lecter link

I fly a CWM Hound pretty much all the time, and I lose plenty of them...mainly to turrets that start firing long before I have control of my ship back :P

Anyway, my point is I go through a lot of CWMs. And yet, I've still not run into this limit. So it seems like those who will encounter it frequently are those who grind out stuff in bulk for resale to other players. That should, in turn, have a substantial reboot cost.
May 22, 2016 biretak link
May 22, 2016 Mi5 link
+1 to more cwms
May 23, 2016 Dr. Lecter link
Do you have any actual numbers for us to work with, or are we supposed to decide based off your (admittedly way off base) gut feelings?

I don't sell anything but like to have identical loadout ships spread around the universe.

Your future pursuers (especially those of us located on a rock in the Pacific thousands of miles from anything, and with the ping to prove it) thank you for your efforts at increasing your sector load times.
May 23, 2016 Darth Nihilus link
Stop making posts after 4:20 Wash....