Forums » Suggestions

Buff the Hound

Jul 27, 2016 Xeha link
-1 "Hound should require at least +990 Corvus and -900 native standing."
Jul 27, 2016 Ore link
The hound was fine the way it is. Swarms take a speed of 80m/s to outrun, and 180m/s to fly right through. Moreover, they are easy to dodge. If you are in a moth, you deserve to die when faced with a hound. I don't see what the problem is. Now you gotta buff this medium ship to be somehow better than a vulture to justify the price. Between the hound nerf and twenty fonts, you should have a good two years of "updates" to do.

Jul 30, 2016 Inevitable link
This one does not simply dodge swarms.
Jul 30, 2016 TheRedSpy link
For the record, Lecter, The valk has always been a problem for me.

I think the hound should simply be lowered in price. I don't care particularly to buff it as it does its chasing job fine. It sucks at direct engagement but it always should, lower the price if this is a problem.

You have a strange persistence when it comes for buffing this ship. Find a new one to advocate for maybe? Lots of others need adjusting too.
Jul 30, 2016 Pizzasgood link
People are like that about their babies.
Jul 31, 2016 Dr. Lecter link
Find a new one to advocate for maybe?

Non mai.