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Help Against Pirates

Dec 07, 2003 Celkan link
a1k0n? awaaa?
Dec 07, 2003 Pyro link
Since Magus forgot it...
2.5) ???
J00 F00!!1 :P
Dec 07, 2003 genka link
I've always thought of that as the slashdot-cliche-thing...
Well, I knew it had to come from somewhere , I just didn't know where.
Dec 07, 2003 Magus link
The story behind the cliché:

There was a South Park episode where a bunch of gnomes made a plan. It went like this:
Step 1: Steal Underpants.
Step 2:
Step 3: Profit.

Then, an economist wrote an article comparing those gnomes to most of the internet startups during the dotcom boom. Their plans looked like this.
Step 1: Start up a dotcom.
Step 2: ?????
Step 3: Profit.
There was no step two, that's why they busted, they didn't provide services that were worth anything, and they didn't have any viable business plans. They expected to just run on investment capital forever.

Needless to say, the article was slashdotted.

What does this have to do against piracy? Nothing.

Avast ye lily livered landlubber!
Dec 07, 2003 allstrox link
Today the Itani nation has been engaging in massive piracy, especially against Neutral Marauders. Since these ships are expensive and carry a lot of cargo, they do make tempting targets.

Seeing the brazen Itani activities, I'm beginning to think that piracy and unprovoked killing is now accepted behavoir.

Dec 07, 2003 Urza link
i have some advice:
lay mines
turn and fight
dont die
dont die ever
Dec 07, 2003 Pyro link
"What does this have to do against piracy? Nothing."
Anybody else thinking Chewbacca defense? :P
Dec 07, 2003 zamzx zik link
you can do whats ubove can cry and capmlan oh, and you can set down and eat pie :D
Dec 07, 2003 Sheean link
Yeah, the pirate problem is getting WAY out of hand... today I lost like 10 ships to pirates, most of them serco.. response? ¨switch to neutral or serco!¨ ¨you are paying the price!¨ it is not fun anymore... most of them don`t even give me the chance to jettison my cargo, they just attack and 1 sec. later you`re dead.. sigh.
Dec 07, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
I like pirating atlasses better...

Atlas: weee! I'm a happy little atlas with my 12 cargo and sluggishness
My vessel(Vult or valk, mostly vult, recently valk): All your cargo are belong to us!
Atlas: What you s-
atlas: argh! you bastard!
my vessel: mmm....cargo...
Dec 06, 2003 ahdinh2 link
um.... the subject/title says it.

Dec 06, 2003 Magus link
Dec 06, 2003 electric27 link
1.) Avoid them
2.) Kill them
Dec 07, 2003 Magus link
3.) Profit.
Dec 07, 2003 Phaserlight link
4.) Convoy
5.) Escort
Dec 07, 2003 a1k0n link
*chuckles at yet another Underpants Gnomes reference on the message board*
Dec 07, 2003 Spellcast link
6) pick up stix

uhh actually what form of help are you looking for? there are several anti pirate guilds and organizations and trade convoys run almost every day lately.

perhaps you could be a touch more specific?
Dec 08, 2003 Magus link
Take it to guild central Humpy.
Dec 08, 2003 Pyro link
And make a profit HOW? :P I seem to get pirated every other trade run I make, and the ones where I don't seem to be pretty unprofitable...
Dec 08, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
okay, umm, anywho, now thaty the sugar has worn off, Sirius is out to hire, if you require our services

Remember, Sirius will do anything you pay us to do

EDIT: and uhhh....we are also looking for members...