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Add notification for IFF and Docking Rights toggle

Apr 24, 2018 greenwall link
What's more, those conquerable stations are IN grayspace. If they are in nation space where people can expect relative safety, greenwall's argument has some merit.

There are plenty of stations in greyspace that give notifications when your standing no longer provides you safety from their defenses. And by plenty I mean ALL OTHER STATIONS. Just because a station is player owned shouldn't mean that the ability to detect that standing change is cloaked.

And this isn't about safety, it's about situational awareness. Being aware that your IFF just got turned off doesn't necessarily make you any more safe.

Chew on that for a moment.
Apr 24, 2018 joylessjoker link
Having to take a station *every time* you desire access in order to guarantee the turrets won't start firing at you without warning IS detrimental to the game

Nothing is guaranteed IN grayspace, silly.

It is also just a simply alert -- it offers no extra protection. If you undock from a conquerable station and someone flicks off your IFF, you still might die

If that is so, simply adding a notification system for this won't actually stop the so called "exploit" from being "abused," you've just refuted yourself on the usefulness of this change. Adding the notification system won't stop the "bad apples" from turning off IFF at opportune moments and causing great pain. Why did you want this notification, again? How would it change the game for better?
Apr 24, 2018 greenwall link
If that is so, simply adding a notification system for this won't actually stop the so called "exploit" from being "abused," you've just refuted yourself on the usefulness of this change. Adding the notification system won't stop the "bad apples" from turning off IFF at opportune moments and causing great pain. Why did you want this notification, again? How would it change the game for better?

What I want to stop is the ability to make this change without any notice given to the key holders. Feel free to re-read what I've written for specifics -- maybe read slower this time since you missed it the first go around?
Apr 24, 2018 joylessjoker link
Yes, you've stated as much many times over, however you failed to explain how this benefits the game enough to warrant devs' time to implement it. Simple awareness doesn't really change anything, as you were kind enough to point out.

The only explanation you've offered is your distaste of "certain players abusing exploits." Then you admitted that your solution won't really make any difference.
Apr 24, 2018 greenwall link
...however you failed to explain how this benefits the game enough to warrant devs' time to implement it.
Simple awareness doesn't really change anything, as you were kind enough to point out.


The only explanation you've offered is your distaste of "certain players abusing exploits." Then you admitted that your solution won't really make any difference.


Re-read. Thanks!
Apr 24, 2018 Faille Corvelle link
"Simple awareness doesn't really change anything"

Oh, but it does. It changes how you see your environment. That in turn changes how you react.

Take targetless, for example. With out targetless, or some similar on-screen display of nearby ships, any time my proximity alert bleeps, I'd need to check who was nearby in my sector list, taking what could be valuable moments of reaction time. With the improved situational awareness targetless provides, I already knew who was nearby and have already made my threat assessment. I may already be turboing away at best speed, or readying my guns and girding my loins for battle. Or just typing out a casual hail.

Point is, that awareness DID change things.

I have often said VO lacks sufficient situational awareness. I generally support any suggestion that improves it.