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Revert capital swarms, but increase speed

Feb 10, 2019 IronLord link
Return the capital swarms to their original damage, but increase their speed and mobility(turn rate and what have you).
My reasoning for this? The only reason Goliaths were considered "over powered" was because of the fact they could out move and still destroy tridents sometimes without losing a shield, revert the damage makes that harder to do with even three turrets. Meaning a goliath could *maybe* deshield a trident and kill it. But it'd have to enter a range uncomfortable for the goli. Itd also make Capital ships pretty balanced when being chased. As most ships won't take a full volley of capswarms meaning that one hit won't be the end of the chase for them. This would balance out being a capital ship compared to being the one chasing it as they won't be insta killed (if they use a caprail excluded). If It comes to the "Goliath would have to have it's energy reverted back to what it was before making it harder to pcb!" The main reason for that was because the capital ship could release one hit salvos at a pcber and kill them most of the time. It's extremely difficult to pcb and dodge death that's flying all around you, so lowering the damage would mean pcbers wouldn't be dead if they got hit by capital swarms once.
This is just my view on the subject but I felt I should atleast try to balance it out as I've been the chaser and the chased =>
Feb 10, 2019 Ebonstar link
Do people really get killed by capswarms that often? I think they've gotten me once and it was because I was about 50m from the turret when they fired. Also the autoaim on the pcb is crazy good, that thing hits targets Im not even facing.

Generally speaking bigger explosion = harder to aim in games, so I could see a debuff in speed or mobility before a damage decrease.
Feb 10, 2019 IronLord link
You'd be surprised. I've killed a few hundred or just because they couldn't move in time and took a capital swarm volley to the face.
Feb 10, 2019 -Wash- link
Grid has nothing to do with PCBing. The Goli still has 4000 energy just like the Trident.
Feb 10, 2019 Gruumsh link
I think that rn the capswarms seem pretty balanced. right now you really need a few pilots in on the fight to threaten a trident or a goli, which is how it should be. If you're being chased by even 2 fighters in a dent, you should feel pretty safe. Three is potentially a threat if they are good enough to dodge the swarms (positive for rewarding being good at the game), and 4+ players is where you start feeling real scared if they know what they're doing. I think any nerfs to them would make cap ships feel too weak and exposed.
Feb 10, 2019 IronLord link
What? You can one hit ragmkllls with a single volley
Feb 10, 2019 starblazzz link
I have gotten soooo many capswarm kills. They one shot almost anything damn near caprail power... Don't get me wrong cap swarms need to be strong but I can see a faster less damage missle being very useful.

If not change the capswarm maybe a mk2 version!
Feb 11, 2019 Rejected link
I like starblazzz's suggestion of more tiers of weaponry. For instance, a cap-swarm with high damage, low speed designed for capship to capship battles, the current iteration to ward off bombers, and a high-speed lesser damage one to ward off fighters.

However, we should consider game play impact. For example, I know that if I see capswarms coming at me, I need to stay above 80 m/s to ensure I won't be hit. If we start playing with that, it makes it a lot more difficult for pilots to know what's being fired at them.
Feb 11, 2019 We all float link
I think the current implementation of cap swarms is mostly ok(maybe the damage should be reduced a bit). Chaos swarms detonate based on proximity, a way to make them a bit more "interesting" would be to increase the distance capital swarms detonate at.


We should definitely have a higher speed missile turret, but it should be contact det only. (kind of like my suggestion from last year.)

Just my €0.02