Forums » Suggestions

High risk / high reward trade to grey space

Jan 03, 2022 We all float link
With the addition of the increased safety in Nation space (due to hostiles not being able to use weapons in the NFZ), I think that the gradient of safety is starting be defined really well. Now is the time (IMHO) to offer more rewards in greyspace.

For example, there should timed trade missions that go from nation space to dangerous regions. Like Dau/Sol/Itan to Bractus.

This would be kind of an expansion on weapon trade. Example: So and So needs 120cu of these weapons at their station in 30 minutes. Get them there. Huge reward.

Unlike trade guild missions, the items would have to be hauled (could not be staged close by) . The rewards would be better than trading weapons, but the risks would be higher as well. Failure would result in docked pay/loss of faction.

Additionally, when someone takes a mission like this, a competing subfaction might have a mission that pops up with intel about parts being moved, and a reward for their capture and delivery.
Jan 11, 2022 Anewold link
Heavily reminds me of gta 5 with bunker supplies.
Generally good idea on paper but reality bad u kept gettin people just camping the spawn areas.
Jan 11, 2022 We all float link
The thing about VO, is if someone trys to camp an area, then that opens up passage in another area.