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The Corvus Arachna (Capital Class)

Jan 10, 2022 Sid123 link
The Corvus Arachna (Capital Class)

Stats (Imma go crazy here):
Armour: 300000
Mass: I have no idea
Cargo:50 cu (it's a combat cappie)
Volume as Cargo: Why is this stat even there?
Weapons: 1 small, 1 large and 3 turrets
Max Turbo Speed: 180 m/s

This baby's based upon, you guessed it, the Hive Queen. It's not much use as a hauler cappie, and can't hold any ship inside except the proposed Fly. I have no idea as to the thrust, power cell capacity, turbo energy, anything of a cappie. Just make it manueverable, like the queen. And grid power equivalent to the requirement for a Hive Queen Mining Beam.

This ship also has a couple of "superpowers". When it enters a sector with no queen or Leviathan, it reduces the aggression of the other bots in the sector to 0, as long as it doesn't attack them. So mining in a sector with Hive bots is possible as long as you don't hit them. Once you do, the ALA is reset to what is normal for a cappi like a goli or a dent.
It also has a transponder with a limited bandwidth (50?) that allows it to control Hive bots. 1 collector uses 1 bandwidth unit, transports 2, guardians 5, assaults 10 and overseers 25. Once the Arachna has taken control of said bots, she can tell them to do basic activities such as mining, transporting and dumping cargo to a particular destination, protecting her specifically like an escort, attacking particular players or ships or just following. She cannot however stop the bots from attacking other players or NPCs. And this ability does uses grid power. It should be such that a fully occupied bandwidth uses up 90% of grid power.

The requirements to get this ship will be special. First a mission to manufacture a prototype at a Corvus station. This mission will require a lot of parts in addition to maybe 10 million credits. The Pilotmust then take equip this prototype on their ship, and again, no other weapons as this consumes all grid power. To make things interesting it can be on a large port... Then the pilot must go to a sector with a queen plus escort. They must then get within 2000m of the queen and not less than 1000m away, and initiate the prototype. The prototype sends a Leviathan like signal to the queen that makes her follow you. However, you must stay within 2000m and not less than 1000m away for it to work. You have to guide the queen to Odia M14 and dock there, and the queen will follow you in. You must then manufacture more, to retrofit the queen for human pilots. And then you have the Corvus Arachna.

This capship will have no insurance. So if you lose it, you have to do it all again. This is the cost of its OPness. And, I request the devs to make this one available for free players. Please.

This ship will create a new and innovative style of manueverable capship combat. And a Hive escort based combat as well. It's a whole new concept. It will also create one of the most difficult missions in the whole game. Maybe the hardest. And the payoff..well I think this ship is OP enough to justify it.

Again, an advantage is that the devs will not have to draw up any new ship designs. I'm not downplaying the effort involved. I'm only writing what I think might be an easing factor.

This suggestion has been posted after Whistler and We all float cited my earlier suggestions as a violation of Rule #5.
Jan 10, 2022 We all float link
Volume as Cargo: Why is this stat even there?

It is there, because people dock their capital ships with capital stations.
Jan 10, 2022 Sid123 link
Ah...Ok. Forgot about that. Well I have no idea about how large a cappie maybe 75% the size of a Goliath.
Jan 12, 2022 greenwall link
Jan 14, 2022 IronLord link
Jan 18, 2022 csgno1 link
-1 It reads like someone wants a shielded remote PCB wielder. No shielded ship should ever be given a small port.

My opinion is that any cap ship made available to F2P should not be OP, it should be less powerful than a Goliath. I'm speaking in terms of shields, ports, and turrets. Special abilities are not included in my objection.
Jan 18, 2022 Sid123 link
The sp can be removed...and also consider that while this cappie is better for combat than a goli, it has no insurance, and the mission(s) to get it isn't easy. And it has very very low cargo hold. Another thing I was thinking is that it wouldn't be allowed in nation space...would that balance out it's OPness according to you?
Jan 18, 2022 csgno1 link
My objection was the small port, also I don't know if the shield strength suggested was higher, lower, or the same as the Goliath, but it should not be higher.
Jan 18, 2022 Sid123 link
I already said the small port is optional...and I set the shield strength to resemble that of a static Hive Queen. If my info is wrong here, please tell and I I'll change it.