Forums » Suggestions

HUD and velocity display

Feb 18, 2004 Spider link
Well, this is something I've been pondering about for a while. A velocity/direction display in the hud.

In a fighter, this is nearly useless, as the agility and ease when changing directions makes it very simple to adjust your own path, and you almost always fly where your nose is pointed (or will after a few seconds)

However, In a heavy ship the situation is different. Then you're often turning fairly slowly, and your inertia will ensure that changing directions is fairly cumbersome, And in a fight situation its even worse, since you dodge, turn, twist and boost repeatedly.

this makes me sometimes wish for a HUD display of the relative direction of my ship, where I'd have an arrow showing me "somewhat" where I'm going in space in comparsion to my current frontal position.

Of course, most experienced fighters know this by heart already, you can compensate, roll and turn and know what direction you move in, and know where to put the thrusters on to dodge those gauss coming at you. You aren't the ones such a display is aimed at. Its the more "regular" fighters. Not necessarily noobs, for whom it would be another confusing display, but the semi-experienced ones who are just learning how to dodge, when to turn, where their ship is going, and what physics mode really entails.

(make it a toggle-able thing, disabled by default, but a nifty-feature. )