Forums » Suggestions


May 09, 2004 tracid link
Well i don't know about you, but i've been playing so long with only goal were to cap the flags, that now even with a bunch of entertaining things to do, i miss that flag cap feature...

this is why i create this thread, i think that the old style capping would have no more interest right now, due to faction ranks etc... so i want to put up a list of probably interesting way to reintegrate the flags cap :

with the faction standings, it would be to easy to enter a neutral sector or better, take flag and go away with it even if it decrease considerably rank, it would be sad, so i tought of this :

a special sector called "flag sector" linked to each nation home sector, where the flag is hidden, and protected by... a frigate, not the frigate that we used to solo kill tso easily as previously, but a well defending frigate, that would really defend the flag..

the point is, that while at least 1 enemy player is in the your nation flag sector, you cannot take the WH until they left it,
like that the attackers would have to only deal with a frigate, to take the flag, after what they would have to travel the way back to home sector...

that would require a real teamplay, because the frigate wouldn't be so easy to take out, and then the way back to home would be really dangerous... and it would make a flag cap really hard, so the reward should be in consequence of the team effort..

(1 carrier, some skilled PvP pilots for escorting, and some heavy bomber/ armored players to take out the frigate)

just my point of view of a real kick ass cap system.... now you can explain your piont on it...
May 09, 2004 timmy10150 link
how about the old frigate that needed avolons to be destroyed?
May 09, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Well, you didn't NEED avalons, it just sped up the killing process by a lot.
May 09, 2004 Magus link
I guess the suggestions forum is just too passé.