Forums » Suggestions

Limited cargo hold

May 11, 2004 Ciuciu link
Hm.. currently i'm keeping about 150 scraps in homesector and about 200 more crates all around the universe...

I thought it would be nice if i couldn't keep infinite cargo in station docking bay, but it would be limited by my standing with organisaton:
-1000:-800 - 0 crates
-800:-400 - 10 crates
-400:-200 - 15 crates
-200:0 - 20 crates
0:200 - 25 crates
200:400 - 30 crates
400:600 - 40 crates
600:800 - 60 crates
800:999 - 100 crates
1000 - 250 crates

Well you obciously could buy some more space but that would cost (a lot - the price could be 1200 - your current standing, so if you have 1000 it would cost 200, and if you are neutral 1200 per additional crate)

Also durgia suggested that no. of ships in one station should be limited to 1 (except homestations)
May 11, 2004 roguelazer link
Both excellent suggestions. Particularly Durgia's, because it will SERIOUSLY limit false nation ships. Right now, if you have the levels, you can stock up, say, 20 proms in s18 and be able to buy 20 valks. Limit storage to 1 ship and that's neatly fixeded. My only question is what happens to cargo stored at a station if your reputation with them drops...
May 11, 2004 Phable link
They demand that you pick it up within a certain time period?

Or alternatively, in the words of the infinitely wise Strongbad... DELETED!!

May 11, 2004 Talin link
I don't have as many in my home sector, but definately more than 200 scattered around the universe. I agree though that there should be limits placed based upon your reputation. If you can't dock there at all, you should not be able to store a ship nor crates there, and if you had a ship/crates there, they have just been confiscated for crimes against their organization. (Though I think this confiscation should have a positive influence with your faction standing based on how much they got from you, just to make it more fair....)

I like the idea of being able to purchase more space as well. Though I think being able to purchase another berth for ships should be included in this.

Though instead of:

-200:0 - 20 crates
0:200 - 25 crates

make it:

-200:-100 20 crates
-100:100 25 crates
100:200 30 crates

Since new players will probably want more space. And neutral should allow this base amount of space. (Yes, I know +200 is still neutral, but using the idea of -200:-100 not the actual numbers.)

And have any active mission crates not count against you unless you attempt to leave the dock without them, then have it ask if you would like to purchase more space.
May 11, 2004 Katarn link
Actually a system to rent space to park your ship may be useful. Probably a one time bill is good for now, but one Vendetta becomes a full game then they could have maybe monthly bills for docking space.