Forums » Suggestions

Easier ranking distinguishing

May 16, 2004 danielky link
I'm a low level player (for now anyways) and most of the frequent players have much more skill points than I do. Most of the time, the group missions have harder things to do than I can. Would there be something that you guys could implement to more easily distinguish between certain levels? Like, i dunno, maybe on the Current Sector Players (u by default) you can list them by skills instead of score (which I know you're hoping to take away). It would be much more helpful. Thanks.
May 16, 2004 Magus link
That's a cool idea. Ideally, we would be able to choose the order. A bounty hunter might want them sorted by bounty. A botter or trader might want them sorted by their faction standing in that current sector, etc.
May 16, 2004 danielky link
Yeah, thanks for that Magus. Clarity rocks... I guess.
May 16, 2004 roguelazer link
How about... gasp... they fix rank and list that instead? Rank (as in Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, etc) is currently 100% score-based. a1k0n said that's gonna change...
May 16, 2004 Magus link
Your logic and reason isn't appreciated here Rogue :p
May 17, 2004 a1k0n link
You can choose the order you want to see them in already (click on the column headings to change sort order). But the score and bounty columns aren't very useful right now, granted.