Forums » Suggestions


Sep 01, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Yeah I know I posted this before, and it will probably not come into the game at all, but it would make it all a lot easier and probably decently balanced for the time being. And this set-up has been boiling up in my mind for like an eternity, and i feel better by spilling it out in stead of keeping it in. nothing more nothing less, I really dont expect anything to be implemented from this, but if things do get implemented then I would be happy.

add in medium ports, and assign rockets(iceflares + sunflares ?), gausses(all the mks ), geminis and proxmines to this porttype

Then change the next ships accordingly:

centurion : 1 small
vulture: 2 small
bus "EC 88": 1 medium
warthog: 1 small 1 large
hornet: 2 small 2 medium
atlas: 1 med 1 large
wraith :1 small 1 med 1 large
centaur: 1 med 2 large
ragnarok: 3 med 2 large

valk : 3 small (glorified vult ?)
prometheus: 2 med 1 large (glorified wraith?)
marauder: 2 small 1 med (glorified bus ?)

At least this will give the ships their distinct feel, and balance weapons a bit more according to their agility. And together with the fixedness off the engines, I presume tha ti nthe end this could be better. Not to mention that 3 classes of weapons is always better since youll be able to diversify the weapons even more in each class. "the blunt/slashing/piercing damaging principals from a rpg... for later use for instance after adding gizmoslots that make ships highly resistant for small slots but highly succeptible for large pods, or for medium ports..." Anyway gausses and rockets are just to powerfull for a small slot, but not powerfull enough as a heavy port. And that is ht eonly reason why I added another port.

Optional and only just because I loved the old ion - rocket set-up for duels.


Duelship, only usuable in a special duelsector.

1 small 1 med, vulture looks and feel.