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Border Patrol Missions, Worth It?

Sep 26, 2004 Icarus link
Thought I'd try a couple of Border Patrol Missions (was hoping to meet a real player but no such luck!). Seems that you get 300xp for killing 3 Centurions, which isn't exactly encouraging. Add to that you may have to jump 2 or 3 systems deep into Itani space (and back again), with Strike Force teams and Station Guards on your back, then that amount of xp seems insanely low.
Sep 26, 2004 Arolte link
In addition, I found the surrounding assault bots (not the targets) to be much more of a deadly threat than the target itself. If the target is supposed to represent a lone Itani pilot, shouldn't they ALSO get attacked by the bots? It just seems unfair how you get ganged up on.

Like combat missions, I believe they should have a progressive reward system, where you get more experience with each additional batch of bots you kill. In addition, maybe each new spawning bot could have a uniquely different AI (combat technique) and ship, just to simulate that these are "human" Itani targets.

And when you leave the sector, the mission computer could radio you saying that they'll send in backups and they'll congratulate you for your help, giving you whatever reward(s) you got.

PS: Icarus, you can lose the Strike Force tail by continuously warping into the outer empty sectors. It may take a couple of tries but it gets the job done. This applies for any mission taken over enemy territory. The Strike Force bots will always make your missions unecessarily difficult, if not impossible in a non-special ship.
Sep 26, 2004 Icarus link
I know you can shake the Strike Force, but imagine you have just completed the mission, you are badly damaged and trying to make it back to Serco space... You get a bad jump (where the bots come through right next to you), one shot and you are dead.. For a measly 300xp.. no way... Especially seeing I can rack up a few K of xp by taking out a wing of Assault bots...
Sep 26, 2004 Arolte link
I hate that too. Seldom are you able to escape from a bot that is around 100m from you the moment you enter the sector. Believe me, it happens a lot when they're chasing you and you're waiting to recharge at the wormhole and they jump a couple of meters behind you. The moment you load into the next sector it'll be a guaranteed death for you. Having the no-fire timer doesn't help either!