Forums » Suggestions

DIfferent ships for the different races

Oct 05, 2004 leothetuscan link
I thought that the reason we had bussed for all three races, and similar for the next couple of shil levels, was that this is beta.

Once the real game is released, new, nice lookign ships will be available from the start.

Is that not so?
Oct 05, 2004 quiveri link
/smacks the thread back on topic.
Oct 05, 2004 mr_spuck link
You want on topic? You get on topic!

I propose the lcv ( ) as the new neutral starter ship!

Nov 06, 2004 spacejammer link
Okay well as a neut, UIT, and my standing with my own nation is +936, what is the minimum to get the Maud as this ship simply isn't showing in the "buy ship" section at all?

I am based at Dau L10 as my home station.

Hank S.
Nov 06, 2004 incarnate link
We originally intended to have a wider variety of configurable ships, and more obvious configuration changes than are currently possible. The basics of what I'm talking about can be seen here:

You can see several different module configs that were intended for the Valk, to give it various upgradable properties. The three "best" ships (the Valkyrie/Marauder/Prometheus) were actually supposed to be a drop in the bucket of available ship types. Unfortunately, we did not get the funding we wanted (or.. any at all), and we did not get more graphic artists, and at a man-month apiece to create (after multitexturing and shader development), we haven't been able to add any more ships to date. We've been spending all our time on missions and AI and various other tangible gameplay topics. Increasing the number of available ships, and the types of configurability, is most definitely something we want to do, and you will hopefully be seeing some of that in the near future. (I'll post more specifics to In Progress when they're a little more concrete).

We know that many other games have done many other things better than what we have right now. If anything, the current state of Vendetta is the Starting Point, as I see it. I certainly don't mind people suggesting things that they liked in Elite, EV, Wing Commander, X-Wing, EnB, EVE Online, or any other game. There are some people who seem to occasionally be annoyed that our game is not exactly like their game (people sometimes seem critical of the flight model, only because it's Not Just Like Wing Commander, and get irritated before they've even really had a chance to play with it). This game will always do its own thing, but we welcome suggestions, regardless of whomever had created that feature previously.

I would like to learn from the failures and successes of other games, and amalgamate that into our own product. We have plenty of pretty "new" ideas (at least, new to me) as well, but history (even in a game design sense) is full of valuable lessons. If you really liked the way something worked in another game, by all means, let's hear it. I do not guarantee that we'll agree with the idea, and even if we do agree.. no one should expect our game to become exactly like Their Old Favorite. But.. maybe, with some luck and time and development, it might become their New Favorite.

That's where we're coming from. We're aware of the many shortcomings of our game. But, there's only four of us, and we're trying to make the best game that we can, and we hope that with your input and patience, we'll all be seeing some of our Most Wanted features emerging in the near future.