Forums » Suggestions

Suggestions from the current escort mission

Oct 16, 2004 Forcystus link
1) Have the convoy announce its jump movements on 201/2. Two transports jumped ahead and by the time we got the message they were under attack, it was too late.

2) Possibly make 201/2 Itani/Serco only. In fact, suggestions for the booth chat system in general: allow players to "claim" specific booths and password protect them or set them to nation only. Secure comms, in other words. The protections would disappear when the "channel commander" logs off, but he could pass it on to someone else.

3) Longer range radar, for the love of God. Half the time I can't even find the transports or the ships attacking them without mindless cruising about. It's a shot in the dark as to whether or not you'll find your target. Radar needs to be at LEAST 6000 meters, if not further.
Oct 16, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
The shortness of the radars is somewhat frustrating. Even modern aircraft radars have effective ranges of over 40 miles (80+ km?), so while I don't think that the range needs to be extended quite that far, an increase to 5-6000 or more would be nice
Oct 16, 2004 Phaserlight link
Of course, modern aircraft radars can only scope out the front 30 degrees from the nose every four seconds.
Oct 16, 2004 Spellcast link
heres a suggestion, make anyone who attacks a member of a convoy KOS with the appropriate nation until that convoy has been destroyed or reached its destination.

Right now there are several itani who can dock in serco space (and i presume several serco who can dock in itani space) parked at the convoy destinations. I know that they are gonna attack the convoy when it gets there, but attempting to take them out ahead of time just results in the station defense attacking me.

It kinda takes away from the immersion of the game. I watched the one attack one of the convoy transports, you would think that i would be able to tell my nation that somehow and get him at least ejected from serco space.
Oct 16, 2004 Forcystus link
Yes, assaulting and killing the bots in nation monitored space should result in a HUGE standing loss. After doing that once, you should be unable to dock at the enemy station at all.
Oct 16, 2004 Spellcast link
not only if they attack it in nation monitored space. In ANY space. a convoy with all those escorts has to qualify as "gaurded" space.
Oct 17, 2004 Cam link
I'd like to see an announcement of who destroyed the transport, or who has the cargo, much like the old CTF you knew who to look for.

At present it's hard to tell who has the cargo even if you're right there when the transport explodes, and if you're not there, forget it.

On a side note...
Through my extensive convoy hunting/defending today I have come to feel the pain of the pirates. Catching someone is next to impossible. The cargo mass doesn't seem to mean much when the top speed remains the same. I think the only way to work this out would be to have mass effect your top speed, or your battery consumption. So for every additional 1000kgs of mass (just an example, I haven't really looked into what cargo or anything weighs yet) have the top speed reduce by 10mps, or have the battery drain an extra unit per second.
The fact that a fully loaded atlas flies like an empty centaur doesn't mean anything once they hit the turbo key.
Right now with a fast charge battery and heavy engine you're home free.
