Forums » Suggestions

piracy and bounty

Nov 07, 2004 erloas link
ok, copied this from my post in the bounty thread, but it really is more of a suggestion then a general topic, so the whole thread should probably be here

think we can assume that anyone that goes into piracy has a good grip on the game and is established, ie not someone just starting. so they know what they are getting into

so maybe the penalties for dieing increase as the bounty on you increases. if you kill an evenly leveled pilot then you get
little or no bounty. if you still someone really low level, or cargo ships, then you get a higher bounty. the higher the bounty on your head when you eventually get hunted down and killed, the more you loose when you die.
this will mean that even if the pirate gets a friend to collect the bounty, the pirate is gaining very little because of the increased loss. it would also encourage ppl to target others of a similar 'level' so that if/when they are hunted down later they don't loose as much.
as far as story-line goes, this increased loss could be due to the fact that the pirate must pay his way out of jail, because the bounty hunter would assumably have to bring in the pirate to collect the bounty.

also depending where they die, and the closest station (not their home station) is where they appear. if they are deep in enemy lands, IE probably killing newbies, the pirate will only be able to get a very low level ship, and will have to fly back to neutral or his own space to buy back the great ship he had before. they would be safe from NPC patrols in the enemy territory as long as they are still in the low level ship, and don't attack another player, then giving them a chance to get back home. if they are killed by another player then, then they return like normal to their home plant.

also if someone that has a bounty is killed in their home territory or in the neutral areas, then they can get out of jail very cheaply and will be able to get back their great ships/equipement right away. thereby encouraging players to fight in the neutral areas, and discouraging newbie greifing.