Forums » Suggestions

Filter for the "Buy" tab

Nov 17, 2004 AtomicNewt link
With all this new equipment, the "Buy" tab in stations is getting rather cluttered...

Could we please get a way to filter it to just show "Weapons", "Mining beams", "Equipment" (like batteries, repair module, etc), and "Trade Goods"...

This would greatly unclutter the interface, and make it MUCH easier to outfit the ship with just what you are shopping for.
Nov 17, 2004 JustinOhio link
Nov 17, 2004 ctishman link
Nov 17, 2004 roguelazer link
Nov 17, 2004 Starfisher link
I oppose this.

*Fifthed* ;P
Nov 17, 2004 lowguppy link
Agreed, shopping should have its own set of tabs. Scrolling down the list with keyboard would be nice too.
Nov 17, 2004 Durgia link
There needs to menu's with sub menus imo

if you go to say a Merchant tab it would open and you would see the
Weapons Store, Ship Equipment(batteries, mining stuff etc) Cargo etc

After you buy a ship you should automatically be taken to the Ship equipment or weapons.

Buying multiple things would be interesting as well... You could choose things you want to buy, say 3 neut II and a f/c battery then hit a Done or similar checkout style button which would send you into the Ship tab.

A whole station redu would be nice...

and while your at it can I have a Big Mac Meal to go:P