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Correct time zones for people in different zones

Dec 16, 2004 Knight_Of_Order link
ok i know this one will suck but how about when we type /time it gives us OUR time zone. even if it is by reagion.

like PST=8 (i think)

(i think)

mabie if we type

/time pst

it would give us OUR time

this means taking the current server time and adding/subtractine x hourse from it.

like cuppertino in CA Right now it 7:15 and look at my post time, you could take the post time in game and minus xhourse to = 7
Dec 16, 2004 roguelazer link
GMT = 0
EST = -5
CST = -6
MST = -7
PST = -8
Dec 17, 2004 johnhawl218 link
cuppertino hu, I'm in Oakland…

Correct time should have been in beta, alpha even. This should be easy to do, unless it's another Y2K thing… hehehehe
Dec 17, 2004 Celebrim link
Probably the devs got so busy building a game that they forgot to program up a wall clock.
Dec 17, 2004 Spellcast link
what reason could you possibly have for needing to know what time it is from the game. dont you people have a clock or a watch?

On a serious note, i like that everyone gets the same value when they do a /time. It makes it easier to coordinate things when everyone in the group knows to be there at 5:45 Vendetta time.

The timestamp is used in the errors.log file, and its easier if all the errors.log files use the same timezone. Yes for displaying it to the player they could probably write a converter to figure it out, but is it really that important. just put a clock in the room if you really need to know what time it is.
Dec 17, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Spellcast, my clock is in the upper right corner of my computer screen, constructed out of pixels.
Dec 17, 2004 johnhawl218 link
blah blah blah blah blah…
Dec 17, 2004 ananzi link
knight there are dozens of timezones the world over, and unix and windows handle them differently. unless the devs have already experience with this area, or they have a portable scripting language that already has timezone stuff on their chatresponder, it might take a bit of work to do what you describe.
Dec 17, 2004 Lord Q link
there are 24 time zones

As for the rest of you, i agree, why not just use your computer's built in clock?

and having a unified "vendetta time" is helpfull, but if timezones were inplemented than you would just have to specify time zones ie. "meet me in Itan C4 at 5:30 GMT".
Dec 17, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
which would be 2 dozen time zones, meaning "dozens" of time zones. :P

I find it easy to use military time and GMT when in the game. Makes figuring out the time a lot easier for people. The US military uses a 24 hour clock so 5:00am is 05:00, and 5pm is 17:00, etc. Then just add or subtract hours as necessary.
Dec 17, 2004 NoAddedSugar link
speak about military: GMT is Zulu time. standard time in the whole NATO... so it is not just the US army :)
Dec 17, 2004 Celebrim link
there are 24 time zones"

Actually, you are wrong. There are more than 24 time zones.
There are at least 31 that I know of and probably more. Not every nation declares its local time to be extactly an integer number of hours from GMT. For example, Tehran is GMT +3:30, Kabul is GMT +4:30, and New Delhi is GMT +5:30. Also, Indiana is in its own little separate time zone for half the year because it - unlike the surrounding states - doesn't use daylight savings time.
Dec 18, 2004 Beolach link
I'm cool with it the way it is now. But if it were going to be changed, the only thing I would want changed would be GMT changed to UTC. They are not the same thing (yes, only because I'm very nitpicky).
Dec 18, 2004 Forum Moderator link
"Cupertino" only has one "p", assuming we're talking about the one adjacent to San Jose.
Dec 18, 2004 simondearsley link
But what about day light savings?
Dec 18, 2004 macguy link
The devs could just make it display the current time on your computer, not alot of work to do there. They could just make a new command like /realtime or something like that.